geometry problems from Alberta High School Mathematics Competition (Canada) with aops links in the names
collected inside aops here
(in one pdf with solutions)
it didn't takee place in 2021
2007 - 2022
One angle of a triangle is 36^o while each of the other two angles is also an integral number of degrees. The triangle can be divided into two isosceles triangles by a straight cut. Determine all possible values of the largest angle of this triangle.
In triangle ABC, AB = AC and \angle A = 100^o. D is the point on BC such that AC = DC, and F is the point on AB such that DF is parallel to AC. Determine \angle DCF.
A, B and C are points on a circle \Omega with radius 1. Three circles are drawn outside triangle ABC and tangent to \Omega internally. These three circles are also tangent to BC, CA and AB at their respective midpoints D, E and F. If the radii of two of these three circles are 2/3 and 2/ 11, what is the radius of the third circle?
Points A, B, C and D lie on a circle in that order, so that AB = BC and AD = BC + CD. Determine \angle BAD.
A cross-shaped figure is made up of five unit squares. Determine which has the larger area, the circle touching all eight outside corners of this figure, as shown in the diagram below on the left, or the square touching the same eight corners, as shown in the diagram below on the right.
On the side BC of triangle ABC are points P and Q such that P is closer to B than Q and \angle P AQ = \frac12 \angle BAC. X and Y are points on lines AB and AC, respectively, such that \angle XPA = \angle AP Q and \angle YQA = \angle AQP. Prove that PQ = PX + QY.
A rectangular lawn is uniformly covered by grass of constant height. Andy’s mower cuts a strip of grass 1 metre wide. He mows the lawn using the following pattern. First he mows the grass in the rectangular “ring” A_1 of width 1 metre running around the edge of the lawn, then he mows the 1-metre-wide ring A_2 inside the first ring, then the 1-metre-wide ring A_3 inside A_2, and so on until the entire lawn is mowed. Andy starts with an empty grass bag. After he mows the first three rings, the grass bag on his mower is exactly full, so he empties it. After he mows the next four rings, the grass bag is exactly full again. Find, in metres, all possible values of the perimeter of the lawn.
In the quadrilateral ABCD, AB is parallel to DC. Prove that \frac{PA}{PB} = \left(\frac{PD}{PC}\right)^2, where P is a point on the side AB such that \angle DAB = \angle DP C = \angle CBA.
In triangle ABC, AB = 2, BC = 4 and CA = 2\sqrt2. P is a point on the bisector of \angle B such that AP is perpendicular to this bisector, and Q is a point on the bisector of \angle C such that AQ is perpendicular to this bisector. Determine the length of PQ
In a convex pentagon of perimeter 10, each diagonal is parallel to one of the sides. Find the sum of the lengths of its diagonals.
ABCD is a square. The circle with centre C and radius CB intersects the circle with diameter AB at E \ne B. If AB = 2, determine AE.
E and F are points on the sides CA and AB, respectively, of an equilateral triangle ABC such that EF is parallel to BC. G is the intersection point of medians in triangle AEF and M a point on the segment BE. Prove that \angle MGC = 60^o if and only if M is the midpoint of BE.
In a rectangle of area 12 are placed 16 polygons, each of area 1. Show that among these polygons there are at least two which overlap in a region of area at least 1/30.
In \vartriangle ABC, \angle A is the largest angle and M,N are points on the sides [AB] and respectively [AC] such that MB / M A =NA / NC . Show that there is a point P on the side [BC] such that \vartriangle PMN and \vartriangle ABC are similar.
Two robots R_2 and D_2 are at a point O on an island. R_2 can travel at a maximum 2 km/hr and D_2 at a maximum of 1 km/hr. There are two treasures located on the island, and whichever robot gets to each treasure first gets to keep it (if both robots reach a treasure at the same time, neither one can keep it). One treasure is located at a point P which is 1 km west of O. Suppose that the second treasure is located at a point X which is somewhere on the straight line through P and O (but not at O). Find all such points X so that R_2 can get both treasures, no matter what D_2 does.
ABCD is a convex quadrilateral such that \angle B AC = 15^o , \angle C AD = 30^o, \angle ADB = 90^o and \angle BDC = 45^o . Find \angle ACB.
Triangle ABC has angle BAC = 80^o and angle ACB = 40^o. D is a point on the ray BC beyond C so that CD =AB +BC +CA. Find the angle ADB.
Find the lengths of the sides of \vartriangle ABC of perimeter 28, if one of its median is divided by its inscribed circle in three equal parts.
\vartriangle ABC has right angle at A. Point D lies on AB, between A and B, such that 3\angle ACD = \angle ACB and BC = 2BD. Find the ratio DB/ DA.
Let B be a point on the segment AC such that B \ne A and B A < BC. Point M is on the perpendicular bisector of AC such that \angle AMB is as large as possible. Find \angle BMC.
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