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Korea S. 2nd Round 1994-97, 2004-22 (KMO) 46p

geometry problems from South Korean Mathematical Olympiads (KMO) - Second Round
with aops links in the names
[2 days, 4p per day]

collected inside aops here

1994 - 1997, 2004 - 2022

In a triangle ABC, I and O are the incenter and circumcenter respectively, A',B',C' the excenters, and O' the circumcenter of \triangle A'B'C'. If R and R' are the circumradii of triangles ABC and A'B'C', respectively, prove that:
(i) R'= 2R
(ii) IO' = 2IO

Let ABC be an equilateral triangle of side 1, D be a point on BC, and r_1, r_2 be the inradii of triangles ABD and ADC. Express r_1r_2 in terms of p = BD and find the maximum of r_1r_2.

Let O and R be the circumcenter and circumradius of a triangle ABC, and let P be any point in the plane of the triangle. The perpendiculars PA_1,PB_1,PC_1 are drawn from P on BC,CA,AB. Express S_{A_1B_1C_1}/S_{ABC} in terms of R and d = OP, where S_{XYZ} is the area of \triangle XYZ.

Circle C(the center is C.) is inside the \angle XOY and it is tangent to the two sides of the angle. Let C_1 be the circle that passes through the center of C and tangent to two sides of angle and let A be one of the endpoint of diameter of C_1 that passes through C and B be the intersection of this diameter and circle C. Prove that the cirlce that A is the center and AB is the radius is also tangent to the two sides of \angle XOY.

Let \triangle ABC be the acute triangle such that AB\ne AC. Let V be the intersection of BC and angle bisector of \angle A. Let D be the foot of altitude from A to BC. Let E,F be the intersection of circumcircle of \triangle AVD and CA,AB respectively. Prove that the lines AD, BE,CF is concurrent.

Let ABCDEF be a convex hexagon such that AB=BC,CD=DE, EF=FA.
Prove that \frac{BC}{BE}+\frac{DE}{DA}+\frac{FA}{FC}\ge\frac{3}{2} and find when equality holds.

Let a,b,c be the side lengths of any triangle \triangle ABC opposite to A,B and C, respectively. Let x,y,z be the length of medians from A,B and C, respectively.
If T is the area of \triangle ABC, prove that \frac{a^2}{x}+\frac{b^2}{y}+\frac{c^2}{z}\ge\sqrt{\sqrt{3}T}

Let X,Y,Z be the points outside the \triangle ABC such that \angle BAZ=\angle CAY,\angle CBX=\angle ABZ,\angle ACY=\angle BCX. Prove that the lines AX, BY, CZ are concurrent.

2004 Korean MO p5
A, B, C, and D are the four different points on the circle O in the order. Let the centre of the scribed circle of triangle ABC, which is tangent to BC, be O_1. Let the centre of the scribed circle of triangle ACD, which is tangent to CD, be O_2.
i) Show that the circumcentre of triangle ABO_1 is on the circle O.
ii) Show that the circumcircle of triangle CO_1O_2 always pass through a fixed point on the circle O, when C is moving along arc BD.

2005 Korean MO p2
For triangle ABC, P and Q satisfy \angle BPA + \angle AQC=90^{\circ}. It is provided that the vertices of the triangle BAP and ACQ are ordered counterclockwise(or clockwise). Let the intersection of the circumcircles of the two triangles be N (A \neq N, however if A is the only intersection A=N), and the midpoint of segment BC be M. Show that the length of MN does not depend on P and Q.

2005 Korean MO p5
Let P be a point that lies outside of circle O. A line passes through P and meets the circle at A and B, and another line passes through P and meets the circle at C and D. The point A is between P and B, C is between P and D. Let the intersection of segment AD and BC be L and construct E on ray (PA so that BL \cdot PE = DL \cdot PD. Show that M is the midpoint of the segment DE, where M is the intersection of lines PL and DE.

2006 Korean MO p4
On the circle O, six points A,B,C,D,E,F are  on the circle counterclockwise. BD is the diameter of the circle and it is perpendicular to CF. Also, lines CF, BE, AD is concurrent. Let M be the foot of altitude from B to AC and let N be the foot of altitude from D to CE. Prove that the area of \triangle MNC is less than half the area of \square ACEF.

2006 Korean MO p7
Points A,B,C,D,E,F is on the circle O. A line \ell is tangent to O at E is parallel to AC and DE>EF. Let P,Q be the intersection of \ell and BC,CD ,respectively and let R,S be the intersection of \ell and CF,DF ,respectively. Show that PQ=RS if and only if QE=ER.

2007 Korean MO p2
A_{1}B_{1}B_{2}A_{2} is a convex quadrilateral, and A_{1}B_{1}\neq A_{2}B_{2}. Show that there exists a point M such that

2007 Korean MO p6
ABC is a triangle which is not isosceles. Let the circumcenter and orthocenter of ABC be O, H, respectively, and the altitudes of ABC be AD, BC, CF. Let K\neq A be the intersection of AD and circumcircle of triangle ABC, L be the intersection of OK and BC, M be the midpoint of BC, P be the intersection of AM and the line that passes L and perpendicular to BC, Q be the intersection of AD and the line that passes P and parallel to MH, R be the intersection of line EQ and AB, S be the intersection of FD and BE.  If OL = KL, then prove that two lines OH and RS are orthogonal.

2008 Korean MO p3
Points A,B,C,D,E lie in a counterclockwise order on a circle O, and AC = CE
P=BD \cap AC, Q=BD \cap CE . Let O_1 be the circle which is tangent to \overline {AP}, \overline {BP} and arc AB (which doesn't contain C) . Let O_2 be the circle which is tangent \overline {DQ}, \overline {EQ} and arc DE (which doesn't contain C) . Let O_1 \cap O = R, O_2 \cap O = S, RP \cap QS = X . Prove that XC bisects \angle ACE

2008 Korean MO p6
Let ABCD be inscribed in a circle \omega. Let the line parallel to the tangent to \omega at A and passing D meet \omega at E. F is a point on \omega such that lies on the different side of E wrt CD.  If AE \cdot AD \cdot CF = BE \cdot BC \cdot DF and \angle CFD = 2\angle AFB, Show that the tangent to \omega at A, B and line EF concur at one point. (A and E lies on the same side of CD)

2009 Korean MO p1
Let I, O be the incenter and the circumcenter of triangle ABC, and D,E,F be the circumcenters of triangle BIC, CIA, AIB. Let P, Q, R be the midpoints of segments DI, EI, FI . Prove that the circumcenter of triangle PQR , M, is the midpoint of segment IO.

2009 Korean MO p6
Let ABC be a triangle and P, Q ( \ne A, B, C ) are the points lying on segments BC , CA . Let I, J, K be the incenters of triangle ABP, APQ, CPQ . Prove that PIJK is a convex quadrilateral.

2010 Korean MO p3
Let I be the incenter of triangle ABC . The incircle touches BC, CA, AB at points P, Q, R . A circle passing through B , C is tangent to the circle I at point X , a circle passing through C , A is tangent to the circle I at point Y , and a circle passing through A , B is tangent to the circle I at point Z , respectively. Prove that three lines PX, QY, RZ are concurrent.

2010 Korean MO p6
Let ABCD be a cyclic convex quadrilateral. Let E be the intersection of lines AB, CD . P is the intersection of line passing B and perpendicular to AC , and line passing C and perpendicular to BD. Q is the intersection of line passing D and perpendicular to AC , and line passing A and perpendicular to BD . Prove that three points E, P, Q are collinear.

2011 Korean MO p1
Two circles O, O' having same radius meet at two points, A,B (A \not = B) . Point P,Q are each on circle O and O' (P \not = A,B ~ Q\not = A,B ). Select the point R such that PAQR is a parallelogram. Assume that B, R, P, Q is cyclic. Now prove that PQ = OO' .

2011 Korean MO p6
Let ABC be a triangle and its incircle meets BC, AC, AB at D, E and F respectively. Let point P on the incircle and inside \triangle AEF . Let X=PB \cap DF , Y=PC \cap DE, Q=EX \cap FY . Prove that the points A and Q lies on DP simultaneously or located opposite sides from DP.

2012 Korean MO p1
Let ABC be an obtuse triangle with \angle A > 90^{\circ} . Let circle O be the circumcircle of ABC . D is a point lying on segment AB such that AD = AC . Let AK be the diameter of circle O . Two lines AK and CD meet at L . A circle passing through D, K, L meets with circle O at P ( \ne K ) . Given that AK = 2, \angle BCD = \angle BAP = 10^{\circ} , prove that DP = \sin ( \frac{ \angle A}{2} ).

2012 Korean MO p6
Let w be the incircle of triangle ABC . Segments BC, CA meet with w at points D, E. A line passing through B and parallel to DE meets w at F and G . ( F is nearer to B than G .) Line CG meets w at H ( \ne G ) . A line passing through G and parallel to EH meets with line AC at I . Line IF meets with circle w at J (\ne F ) . Lines CJ and EG meets at K . Let l be the line passing through K and parallel to JD . Prove that l, IF, ED meet at one point.

2013 Korean MO p1
Let P be a point on segment BC. Q, R are points on AC, AB such that PQ \parallel AB and PR \parallel AC. O, O_{1}, O_{2} are the circumcenters of triangle ABC, BPR, PCQ. The circumcircles of BPR, PCQ meet at point K (\ne P). Prove that OO_{1} = KO_{2} .

2013 Korean MO p6
Let O be circumcenter of triangle ABC. For a point P on segmet BC, the circle passing through P, B and tangent to line AB and the circle passing through P, C and tangent to line AC meet at point Q ( \ne P ) . Let D, E be foot of perpendicular from Q to AB, AC. (D \ne B, E \ne C ) Two lines DE and BC meet at point R. Prove that O, P, Q are collinear if and only if A, R, Q are collinear.

2014 Korean MO p3
AB is a chord of O and AB is not a diameter of O. The tangent lines to O at A and B meet at C. Let M and N be the midpoint of the segments AC and BC, respectively. A circle passing through C and tangent to O meets line MN at P and Q. Prove that \angle PCQ = \angle CAB.

2014 Korean MO p5
There is a convex quadrilateral ABCD which satisfies \angle A=\angle D . Let the midpoints of AB, AD, CD be L,M,N . Let's say the intersection point of AC, BD be E . Let's say point F which lies on \overrightarrow{ME} satisfies \overline{ME}\times \overline{MF}=\overline{MA}^{2} . Prove that \angle LFM=\angle MFN .

2015 Korean MO p2
Let the circumcircle of \triangle ABC be \omega. A point D lies on segment BC, and E lies on segment AD. Let ray AD \cap \omega = F. A point M, which lies on \omega, bisects AF and it is on the other side of C with respect to AF. Ray ME \cap \omega = G, ray GD \cap \omega = H, and MH \cap AD = K. Prove that B, E, C, K are cyclic.

2015 Korean MO p6
An isosceles trapezoid ABCD, inscribed in \omega, satisfies AB=CD, AD<BC, AD<CD.
A circle with center D and passing A hits BD, CD, \omega at E, F, P(\not= A), respectively.
Let AP \cap EF = Q, and \omega meet CQ and the circumcircle of \triangle BEQ at R(\not= C), S(\not= B), respectively.  Prove that \angle BER= \angle FSC.

2016 Korean MO p2
A non-isosceles triangle \triangle ABC has its incircle tangent to BC, CA, AB at points D, E, F.  Let the incenter be I. Say AD hits the incircle again at G, at let the tangent to the incircle at G hit AC at H. Let IH \cap AD = K, and let the foot of the perpendicular from I to AD be L. Prove that IE \cdot IK= IC \cdot IL.

Acute triangle \triangle ABC has area S and perimeter L. A point P inside \triangle ABC has dist(P,BC)=1, dist(P,CA)=1.5, dist(P,AB)=2. Let BC \cap AP = D, CA \cap BP = E, AB \cap CP= F. Let T be the area of \triangle DEF. Prove the following inequality.
\left( \frac{AD \cdot BE \cdot CF}{T} \right)^2 > 4L^2 + \left( \frac{AB \cdot BC \cdot CA}{24S} \right)^2

2016 Korean MO p5
A non-isosceles triangle \triangle ABC has incenter I and the incircle hits BC, CA, AB at D, E, F. Let EF hit the circumcircle of CEI at P \not= E. Prove that \triangle ABC = 2 \triangle ABP.

2017 Korean MO p3
Let there be a scalene triangle ABC, and its incircle hits BC, CA, AB at D, E, F. The perpendicular bisector of BC meets the circumcircle of ABC at P, Q, where P is on the same side with A with respect to BC. Let the line parallel to AQ and passing through D meet EF at R. Prove that the intersection between EF and PQ lies on the circumcircle of BCR.

2017 Korean MO p6
In a quadrilateral ABCD, we have \angle ACB = \angle ADB = 90 and CD < BC. Denote E as the intersection of AC and BD, and let the perpendicular bisector of BD hit BC at F. The circle with center F which passes through B hits AB at P (\neq B) and AC at Q. Let M be the midpoint of EP. Prove that the circumcircle of EPQ is tangent to AB if and only if B, M, Q are colinear.

2018 Korean MO p1
Let there be an acute triangle \triangle ABC with incenter I. E is the foot of the perpendicular from I to AC. The line which passes through A and is perpendicular to BI hits line CI at K. The line which passes through A and is perpendicular to CI hits the line which passes through C and is perpendicular to BI at L. Prove that E, K, L are colinear.

2018 Korean MO p5
Let there be a convex quadrilateral ABCD. The angle bisector of \angle A meets the angle bisector of \angle B, the angle bisector of \angle D at P, Q respectively. The angle bisector of \angle C meets the angle bisector of \angle D, the angle bisector of \angle B at R, S respectively. P, Q, R, S are all distinct points. PR and QS meets perpendicularly at point Z. Denote l_A, l_B, l_C, l_D as the exterior angle bisectors of \angle A, \angle B, \angle C, \angle D. Denote E = l_A \cap l_B, F= l_B \cap l_C, G = l_C \cap l_D, and H= l_D \cap l_A. Let K, L, M, N be the midpoints of FG, GH, HE, EF respectively.
Prove that the area of quadrilateral KLMN is equal to ZM \cdot ZK + ZL \cdot ZN

Triangle ABC is an acute triangle with distinct sides. Let I the incenter, \Omega the circumcircle, E the A-excenter of triangle ABC. Let \Gamma the circle centered at E and passes A. \Gamma and \Omega intersect at point D(\neq A), and the perpendicular line of BC which passes A meets \Gamma at point K(\neq A). L is the perpendicular foot from I to AC. Now if AE and DK intersects at F, prove that BE\cdot CI=2\cdot CF\cdot CL.

In acute triangle ABC, AB>AC. Let I the incenter, \Omega the circumcircle of triangle ABC, and D the foot of perpendicular from A to BC. AI intersects \Omega at point M(\neq A), and the line which passes M and perpendicular to AM intersects AD at point E. Now let F the foot of perpendicular from I to AD.
Prove that ID\cdot AM=IE\cdot AF.

H is the orthocenter of an acute triangle ABC, and let M be the midpoint of BC. Suppose (AH) meets AB and AC at D,E respectively. AH meets DE at P, and the line through H perpendicular to AH meets DM at Q. Prove that P,Q,B are collinear.

Let ABCDE be a convex pentagon such that quadrilateral ABDE is a parallelogram and quadrilateral BCDE is inscribed in a circle. The circle with center C and radius CD intersects the line BD, DE at points F, G(\neq D), and points A, F, G is on line l. Let H be the intersection point of line l and segment BC.
Consider the set of circle \Omega satisfying the following condition:
Circle \Omega passes through A, H and intersects the sides AB, AE at point other than A.
Let P, Q(\neq A) be the intersection point of circle \Omega and sides AB, AE.Prove that AP+AQ is constant.

Let ABC be an acute triangle and D be an intersection of the angle bisector of A and side BC. Let \Omega be a circle tangent to the circumcircle of triangle ABC and side BC at A and D, respectively. \Omega meets the sides AB, AC again at E, F, respectively. The perpendicular line to AD, passing through E, F meets \Omega again at G, H, respectively. Suppose that AE and GD meet at P, EH and GF meet at Q, and HD and AF meet at R. Prove that \dfrac{\overline{QF}}{\overline{QG}}=\dfrac{\overline{HR}}{\overline{PG}}.

Let ABC be an obtuse triangle with \angle A > \angle B > \angle C, and let M be a midpoint of the side BC. Let D be a point on the arc AB of the circumcircle of triangle ABC not containing C. Suppose that the circle tangent to BD at D and passing through A meets the circumcircle of triangle ABM again at E and \overline{BD}=\overline{BE}. \omega, the circumcircle of triangle ADE, meets EM again at F.
Prove that lines BD and AE meet on the line tangent to \omega at F.

In a scalene triangle ABC, let the angle bisector of A meets side BC at D. Let E, F be the circumcenter of the triangles ABD and ADC, respectively. Suppose that the circumcircles of the triangles BDE and DCF intersect at P(\neq D), and denote by O, X, Y the circumcenters of the triangles ABC, BDE, DCF, respectively. Prove that OP and XY are parallel.

For a scalene triangle ABC with an incenter I, let its incircle meets the sides BC, CA, AB at D, E, F, respectively. Denote by P the intersection of the lines AI and DF, and Q the intersection of the lines BI and EF. Prove that \overline{PQ}=\overline{CD}

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