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IMO ISL 1993- 219p

geometry problems from International Mathematical Olympiads Shortlist
also known as IMO SHL or IMO ISL
with aops links in the names
IMO Shortlist problems 2001 - 2018 EN in pdf with solutions
IMO Shortlist problems 1992 - 2000 EN in pdf with solutions, scanned
most of them by Orlando Döhring, 
member of the IMO ShortList / LongList Project Group, in aops
IMO ISL 1968-1992
1993 - 2020 

Let triangle ABC be such that its circumradius R is equal to 1. Let r be the inradius of ABC and let p be the inradius of the orthic triangle A'B'C' of triangle ABC. Prove that p \le 1- \frac{1}{3} (1+r)^2.

Remark. The orthic triangle is the triangle whose vertices are the feet of the altitudes of ABC.

1993 IMO Shortlist ISL3 (ESP 1)
Consider the triangle ABC, its circumcircle k with center O and radius R, and its incircle with center I and radius r. Another circle k_c is tangent to the sides CA,CB at D,E, respectively, and it is internally tangent to k. Show that the incenter I is the midpoint of DE.

by Francisco Bellot Rosado
1993 IMO Shortlist ISL4 (ESP 2)
In the triangle ABC, let D,E be points on the side BC such that \angle BAD=\angle CAE. If M,N are, respectively, the points of tangency with BC of the incircles of the triangles ABD and ACE, show that \frac{1}{MB}+\frac{1}{MD}=\frac{1}{NC}+\frac{1}{NE}.

by Francisco Bellot Rosado
1993 IMO Shortlist ISL14 (ISR 1)
The vertices D,E,F of an equilateral triangle lie on the sides BC,CA,AB respectively of a triangle ABC. If a,b,c are the respective lengths of these sides, and S the area of ABC, prove that DE \ge \frac{2\sqrt2 S}{\sqrt{a%2+b%2+c^2+4\sqrt3S}}.

1993 IMO Shortlist ISL15 (MKD 1) problem 4
For three points A,B,C in the plane we define m(ABC) to be the smallest length of the three altitudes of the triangle ABC, where in the case of A,B,C collinear, m(ABC)=0. Let A,B,C be given points in the plane. Prove that for any point X in the plane, m(ABC) \le  m(ABX)+m(AXC)+m(XBC).

by D. Dimovski
1993 IMO Shortlist ISL21 (UNK 1)
A circle S is said to cut a circle S diametrally if their common chord is a diameter of S . Let SA,SB,SC be three circles with distinct centers A,B,C respectively. Prove that A,B,C are collinear if and only if there is no unique circle S that cuts each of SA,SB,SC diametrally. Prove further that if there exists more than one circle S that cuts each of SA,SB,SC diametrally, then all such circles pass through two fixed points. Locate these points in relation to the circles SA,SB,SC.

by Chirstopher Bradley
1993 IMO Shortlist ISL22 (UNK 2) problem 2
A,B,C,D are four points in the plane, with C,D on the same side of the line AB, such that AC\cdot BD = AD\cdot BC and \angle ADB = 90^o +\angle ACB. Find the ratio \frac{AB\cdot CD}{ AC\cdot BD }, and prove that circles ACD,BCD are orthogonal.

(Intersecting circles are said to be orthogonal if at either common point their tangents are perpendicular.)

by David Monk

1994 IMO Shortlist G1 (FRA)
A semicircle \Gamma is drawn on one side of a straight line \ell. C and D are points on \Gamma  . The tangents to \Gamma  at C and D meet \ell at B and A respectively, with the center of the semicircle between them. Let E be the point of intersection of AC and BD, and F the point on \ell such that EF is perpendicular to \ell. Prove that EF bisects \angle CFD.

1994 IMO Shortlist G2 (UKR)
ABCD is a quadrilateral with BC parallel to AD. M is the midpoint of CD, P that of MA and Q that of MB. The lines DP and CQ meet at N. Prove that N is not outside ABCD.

by Vyacheslav Yasinskiy
1994 IMO Shortlist G3 (RUS)
A circle \omega  is tangent to two parallel lines \ell_1 and \ell_2. A second circle \omega_1 is tangent to \ell_1 at A and to \omega externally at C. A third circle \omega_2 is tangent to \ell_2 at B, to \omega  externally at D, and to \omega_1 externally at E. AD intersects BC at Q. Prove that Q is the circumcenter of triangle CDE.

1994 IMO Shortlist G4 (AUS-ARM) problem 2
N is an arbitrary point on the bisector of \angle BAC. P and O are points on the lines AB and AN, respectively, such that \angle ANP=90^o =\angle APO. Q is an arbitrary point on NP, and an arbitrary line through Q meets the lines AB and AC at E and F respectively. Prove that \angle OQE= 90^o if and only if QE=QF.

by H. Lausch & G. Tonoyan
1994 IMO Shortlist G5 (CYP)
A line \ell does not meet a circle \omega with center O. E is the point on \ell such that OE is perpendicular to \ell. M is any point on \ell other than E. The tangents from M to \omega  touch it at A and B. C is the point on MA such that EC is perpendicular to MA. D is the point on MB such that ED is perpendicular to MB. The line CD cuts OE at F. Prove that the location of F is independent of that of M.

1995 IMO Shortlist G1 (BGR) problem 1
Let A,B,C, and D be distinct points on a line, in that order. The circles with diameters AC and BD intersect at X and Y. O is an arbitrary point on the line XY but not on AD. CO intersects the circle with diameter AC again at M, and BO intersects the other circle again at N. Prove that the lines AM,DN, and XY are concurrent.

by B. Mihailov
1995 IMO Shortlist G2 (GER)
Let A,B, and C be noncollinear points. Prove that there is a unique point X in the plane of ABC such that XA^2+XB^2+AB^2 = XB^2+XC^2+BC^2 = XC^2+XA^2+CA^2.

by Arthur Engel
1995 IMO Shortlist G3 (TUR)
The incircle of ABC touches BC, CA, and AB at D, E, and F respectively. X is a point inside ABC such that the incircle of XBC touches BC at D also, and touches CX and XB at Y and Z, respectively. Prove that EFZY is a cyclic quadrilateral.

1995 IMO Shortlist G4 (UKR)
An acute triangle ABC is given. Points A_1 and A_2 are taken on the side BC (with A_2 between A_1 and C), B_1 and B_2 on the side AC (with B_2 between B_1 and A), and C_1 and C_2 on the side AB (with C_2 between C_1 and B) such that \angle AA_1A_2 = \angle AA_2A_1 = \angle BB_1B_2 = \angle BB_2B_1 = \angle CC_1C_2 = \angle CC_2C_1. The lines AA_1,BB_1, and CC_1 form a triangle, and the lines AA_2,BB_2, and CC_2 form a second triangle. Prove that all six vertices of these two triangles lie on a single circle.

by Vyacheslav Yasinskiy
1995 IMO Shortlist G5 (NZL) problem 5
Let ABCDEF be a convex hexagon with AB = BC =CD, DE = EF = FA, and \angle BCD = \angle EFA = \pi /3 (that is, 60^o). Let G and H be two points interior to the hexagon such that angles AGB and DHE are both 2\pi /3 (that is,120^o). Prove that AG+GB+GH+DH +HE \ge CF.

by A. McNaughton
1995 IMO Shortlist G6  (USA)
Let A_1A_2A_3A_4 be a tetrahedron, G its centroid, and A_1',A_2',A_3', and A_4' the points where the circumsphere of A_1A_2A_3A_4 intersects GA_1,GA_2,GA_3, and GA_4, respectively. Prove that GA_1 \cdot GA_2 \cdot GA_3 \cdot GA_4 \le  GA_1' \cdot GA_2' \cdot GA_3' \cdot GA_4' and \frac{1}{GA_1'}+\frac{1}{GA_2'}+\frac{1}{GA_3'} +\frac{1}{GA_4' }\le  \frac{1}{GA_1}+\frac{1}{GA_2}+\frac{1}{GA_3}+\frac{1}{GA_4}.

by Titu Andreescu
1995 IMO Shortlist G7 (LVA)
O is a point inside a convex quadrilateral ABCD of area S. K, L, M, and N are interior points of the sides AB, BC, CD, and DA respectively. If OKBL and OMDN are parallelograms, prove that \sqrt{S} \ge  \sqrt{S_1} +\sqrt{S_2}, where S_1 and S_2 are the areas of ONAK and OLCM respectively.

1995 IMO Shortlist G8  (COL)
Let ABC be a triangle. A circle passing through B and C intersects the sides AB and AC again at C' and B', respectively. Prove that BB',CC', and HH' are concurrent, where H and H' are the orthocenters of triangles ABC and AB'C' respectively.
by Germán Rincón
Let triangle ABC have orthocenter H, and let P be a point on its circumcircle, distinct from A,B,C. Let E be the foot of the altitude BH, let PAQB and PARC be parallelograms, and let AQ meet HR in X. Prove that EX is parallel to AP.

by David Monk
1996 IMO Shortlist G2 (CAN) problem 2 
Let P be a point inside △ABC such that \angle APB - \angle C = \angle APC- \angle B. Let D,E be the incenters of \triangle APB,\triangle APC respectively. Show that AP,BD and CE meet in a point.

by J.P. Grossman
Let ABC be an acute-angled triangle with BC> CA. Let O be the circumcenter, H its orthocenter, and F the foot of its altitude CH. Let the perpendicular to OF at F meet the side CA at P. Prove that \angle FHP = \angle BAC

Possible second part: What happens if |BC|\le |CA| (the triangle still being acuteangled)?

by David Monk
Let \triangle ABC be an equilateral triangle and let P be a point in its interior. Let the lines AP,BP,CP meet the sides BC,CA,AB in the points A_1,B_1,C_1 respectively. Prove that A_1B_1 \cdot B_1C_1\cdot C_1A_1 \ge  A_1B \cdot B_1C \cdot C_1A.

by Titu Andreescu
1996 IMO Shortlist G5 (ARM) problem 5 
Let ABCDEF be a convex hexagon such that AB is parallel to DE, BC is parallel to EF, and CD is parallel to AF. Let R_A,R_C,R_E be the circumradii of triangles FAB,BCD,DEF respectively, and let P denote the perimeter of the hexagon. Prove that R_A+R_C+R_E \ge  \frac{P}{2}.

by N.M. Sedrakyan
Let the sides of two rectangles be \{a,b\} and \{c,d\} with a ,c \le  d < b and ab < cd. Prove that the first rectangle can be placed within the second one if and only if (b^2-a^2)^2 \le (bd-ac)^2+(bc-ad)^2.

Let ABC be an acute-angled triangle with circumcenter O and circumradius R. Let AO meet the circle BOC again in A', let BO meet the circle COA again in B', and let CO meet the circle AOB again in C'. Prove that OA' \cdot  OB' \cdot OC' \ge 8R^3. When does equality hold?

by Christopher Bradley
Let ABCD be a convex quadrilateral, and let RA, RB, RC, and RD denote the circumradii of the triangles DAB, ABC, BCD, and CDA respectively. Prove that RA+RC \ge RB+RD if and only if \angle A+ \angle C > \angle B+\angle D.

In the plane are given a point O and a polygon F (not necessarily convex). Let P denote the perimeter of F, D the sum of the distances from O to the vertices of F, and H the sum of the distances from O to the lines containing the sides of F. Prove that D^2- H^2 \ge \frac{P^2}{4} .

by Vyacheslav Yasinskiy
Let ABCD be a regular tetrahedron and M,N distinct points in the planes ABC and ADC respectively. Show that the segments MN,BN,MD are the sides of a triangle.

by Mircea Becheanu
Let ABCDEF be a convex hexagon such that AB =BC, CD= DE, EF = FA. Prove that \frac{BC}{ BE}+ \frac{DE}{DA} + \frac{FA}{ FC} \ge  \frac{3}{2}. When does equality occur?

by Valentina Kirichenko
1997 IMO Shortlist ISL8 (UNK) problem 2 
In triangle ABC the angle at A is the smallest. A line through A meets the circumcircle again at the point U lying on the arc BC opposite to A.
The perpendicular bisectors of CA and AB meet AU at V and W, respectively, and the lines CV,BW meet at T. Show that AU = TB+TC.

Original formulation. 
Four different points A,B,C,D are chosen on a circle G such that the triangle BCD is not right-angled. Prove that:
a) The perpendicular bisectors of AB and AC meet the line AD at certain points W and V, respectively, and that the lines CV and BW meet at a certain point T.
b) The length of one of the line segments AD, BT, and CT is the sum of the lengths of the other two.

by David Monk
Let A_1A_2A_3 be a nonisosceles triangle with incenter I. Let C_i, i = 1,2,3, be the smaller circle through I tangent to A_iA_{i+1} and A_iA_{i+2} (the addition of indices being mod 3). Let B_i, i = 1,2,3, be the second point of intersection of C_{i+1} and C_{i+2}. Prove that the circumcenters of the triangles A_1B_1I,A_2B_2I,A_3B_3I are collinear.

by T. Andreescu &  K. Kedlaya
In an acute-angled triangle ABC, let AD,BE be altitudes and AP,BQ internal bisectors. Denote by I and O the incenter and the circumcenter of the triangle, respectively. Prove that the points D, E, and I are collinear if and only if the points P, Q, and O are collinear.

by Igor Voronovich
The altitudes through the vertices A,B,C of an acute-angled triangle ABC meet the opposite sides at D,E,F, respectively. The line through D parallel to EF meets the lines AC and AB at Q and R, respectively. The line EF meets BC at P. Prove that the circumcircle of the triangle PQR passes through the midpoint of BC.

by David Monk
Let D be an internal point on the side BC of a triangle ABC. The line AD meets the circumcircle of ABC again at X. Let P and Q be the feet of the perpendiculars from X to AB and AC, respectively, and let \gamma be the circle with diameter XD. Prove that the line PQ is tangent to \gamma if and only if AB = AC.

by Kevin Hutchinson
Let ABCD be a convex quadrilateral and O the intersection of its diagonals AC and BD. If OA sin \angle A + OC sin \angle C = OB sin\angle B+ OD sin \angle D, prove that ABCD is cyclic.

by Christopher Bradley
The bisectors of angles A,B,C of a triangle ABC meet its circumcircle again at the points K,L,M, respectively. Let R be an internal point on the side AB. The points P and Q are defined by the following conditions: RP is parallel to AK, and BP is perpendicular to BLRQ is parallel to BL, and AQ is perpendicular to AK. Show that the lines KP,LQ,MR have a point in common.

by Marcin Kuczma
1998 IMO Shortlist ISL1 (LUX) problem 1
A convex quadrilateral ABCD has perpendicular diagonals. The perpendicular bisectors of AB and CD meet at a unique point P inside ABCD. Prove that ABCD is cyclic if and only if triangles ABP and CDP have equal areas.

by Charles Leytem
Let ABCD be a cyclic quadrilateral. Let E and F be variable points on the sides AB and CD, respectively, such that AE : EB =CF : FD. Let P be the point on the segment EF such that PE : PF = AB : CD. Prove that the ratio between the areas of triangles APD and BPC does not depend on the choice of E and F.

by Waldemar Pompe
1998 IMO Shortlist ISL3 (UKR) problem 5 
Let I be the incenter of triangle ABC. Let K, L, and M be the points of tangency of the incircle of ABC with AB, BC, and CA, respectively. The line t passes through B and is parallel to KL. The lines MK and ML intersect t at the points R and S. Prove that \angle RIS is acute.

by V. Yasinskiy
Let M and N be points inside triangle ABC such that \angle MAB = \angle NAC and \angle MBA =  \angle NBC. Prove that \frac{AM\cdot AN }{AB\cdot AC} + \frac{BM \cdot BN }{BA\cdot  BC} + \frac{CM\cdot CN }{CA\cdot CB} = 1.

Let ABC be a triangle, H its orthocenter, O its circumcenter, and R its circumradius. Let D be the reflection of A across BC, E that of B across CA, and F that of C across AB. Prove that D, E, and F are collinear if and only if OH = 2R.

Let ABCDEF be a convex hexagon such that \angle B+\angle  D+\angle F = 360^o and \frac{AB}{ BC} \cdot \frac{CD}{ DE }\cdot \frac{EF}{ FA} = 1. Prove that  \frac{BC}{ CA} \cdot \frac{AE}{ EF} \cdot \frac{FD}{ DB} = 1.

by Waldemar Pompe
Let ABC be a triangle such that \angle ACB = 2 \angle  ABC. Let D be the point on the side BC such that CD = 2BD. The segment AD is extended to E so that AD = DE. Prove that \angle ECB+180^o = 2 \angle EBC.

by David Monk
Let ABC be a triangle such that \angle A = 90^o and \angle B < \angle C. The tangent at A to its circumcircle \omega meets the line BC at D. Let E be the reflection of A across BC, X the foot of the perpendicular from A to BE, and Y the midpoint of AX. Let the line BY meet \omega again at Z. Prove that the line BD is tangent to the circumcircle of triangle ADZ.

by Sambuddha Roy
1999 IMO Shortlist G1 (ARM)
Let ABC be a triangle and M an interior point. Prove that min\{MA,MB,MC\}+MA+MB+MC <AB+AC+BC.

by Nairi M. Sedrakyan
1999 IMO Shortlist G2 (JPN)
A circle is called a separator for a set of five points in a plane if it passes through three of these points, it contains a fourth point in its interior, and the fifth point is outside the circle. Prove that every set of five points such that no three are collinear and no four are concyclic has exactly four separators.

by Shin Hitotsumatsu
1999 IMO Shortlist G3 (EST) problem 1
A set S of points in space will be called completely symmetric if it has at least three elements and satisfies the following condition: For every two distinct points A,B from S the perpendicular bisector of the segment AB is an axis of symmetry for S. Prove that if a completely symmetric set is finite, then it consists of the vertices of either a regular polygon, a regular tetrahedron, or a regular octahedron.

by Jan Villemson
1999 IMO Shortlist G4 (UNK)
For a triangle T = ABC we take the point X on the side (AB) such that AX/XB = 4/5, the point Y von the segment (CX) such that CY = 2YX, and, if possible, the point Z on the ray (CA such that \angle CXZ = 180^o - \angle ABC. We denote by S the set of all triangles T for which \angle XYZ = 45^o. Prove that all the triangles from S are similar and find the measure of their smallest angle.

by David Monk
1999 IMO Shortlist G5 (FRA)
Let ABC be a triangle, \Omega its incircle and \Omega_a,\Omega_b,\Omega_c three circles orthogonal to \Omega passing through B and C, A and C, and A and B respectively. The circles \Omega_a,\Omega_b meet again in C', in the same way we obtain the points B' and A'. Prove that the radius of the circumcircle of A'B'C' is half the radius of \omega.

1999 IMO Shortlist  G6 (RUS) problem 5
Two circles \Omega_1 and \Omega_2 touch internally the circle \Omega in M and N, and the center of \Omega_2 is on \Omega_1. The common chord of the circles \Omega_1 and \Omega_2 intersects \Omega in A and B. MA and MB intersect \Omega_1 in C and D. Prove that \Omega_2 is tangent to CD.

by P. Kozhevnikov
1999 IMO Shortlist G7 (ARM)
The point M inside the convex quadrilateral ABCD is such that MA = MC, \angle AMB = \angle MAD+\angle MKD, \angle CMD = \angle MCB+ \angle MAB. Prove that AB\cdot CM = BC\cdot MD and BM\cdot AD = MA\cdot CD.

1999 IMO Shortlist G8 (RUS)
Points A,B,C divide the circumcircle \Omega of the triangle ABC into three arcs. Let X be a variable point on the arc AB, and let O_1,O_2 be the incenters of the triangles CAX and CBX. Prove hat the circumcircle of the triangle XO_1O_2 intersects \Omega in a fixed point.

2000 IMO Shortlist G1 (NLD) 
In the plane we are given two circles intersecting at X and Y. Prove that there exist four points A,B,C,D with the following property:
For every circle touching the two given circles at A and B, and meeting the line XY at C and D, each of the lines AC,AD,BC,BD passes through one of these points.

2000 IMO Shortlist G2 (RUS) problem 1 
Two circles G_1 and G_2 intersect at M and N. Let AB be the line tangent to these circles at A and B, respectively, such that M lies closer to AB than N. Let CD be the line parallel to AB and passing through M, with C on G_1 and D on G_2. Lines AC and BD meet at E,  lines AN and CD meet at P; lines BN and CD meet at Q. Show that EP = EQ.

by Sergey Berlov
Let O be the circumcenter and H the orthocenter of an acute triangle ABC. Show that there exist points D, E, and F on sides BC, CA, and AB respectively such that OD+DH = OE +EH = OF +FH and the lines AD, BE, and CF are concurrent.

by C.R. Pranesachar
Let A_1A_2...A_n be a convex polygon, n \ge  4. Prove that A_1A_2... A_n is cyclic if and only if to each vertex A_j one can assign a pair (b_j ,c_j) of real numbers, j = 1,2,...n, such that A_iA_j = b_jc_i- b_ic_j for all i, j with 1 \le i \le j \le n.

The tangents at B and A to the circumcircle of an acute-angled triangle ABC meet the tangent at C at T and U respectively. AT meets BC at P, and Q is the midpoint of AP, BU meets CA at R, and S is the midpoint of BR. Prove that \angle ABQ = \angle BAS. Determine, in terms of ratios of side lengths, the triangles for which this angle is a maximum.

by David Monk
Let ABCD be a convex quadrilateral with AB not parallel to CD, let X be a point inside ABCD such that \angle ADX = \angle BCX < 90^o and \angle DAX = \angle CBX < 90^o. If Y is the point of intersection of the perpendicular bisectors of AB and CD, prove that \angle AYB = 2 \angle ADX.

Ten gangsters are standing on a flat surface, and the distances between themare all distinct. At twelve o’clock, when the church bells start chiming, each of them fatally shoots the one among the other nine gangsters who is the nearest. At least how many gangsters will be killed?

2000 IMO Shortlist G8 (RUS) problem 6 
A_1A_2A_3 is an acute-angled triangle. The foot of the altitude from A_i is K_i, and the incircle touches the side opposite A_i at L_i. The line K_1K_2 is reflected in the line L_1L_2. Similarly, the line K2K3 is reflected in L_2L_3, and K_3K_1 is reflected in L_3L_1. Show that the three new lines form a triangle with vertices on the incircle.

by L. Emelyanov, T. Emelyanova

2001 IMO Shortlist  G1 (UKR)
Let A_1 be the center of the square inscribed in acute triangle ABC with two vertices of the square on side BC. Thus one of the two remaining vertices of the square is on side AB and the other is on AC. Points B_1, C_1 are defined in a similar way for inscribed squares with two vertices on sides AC and AB, respectively. Prove that lines AA_1, BB_1, CC_1 are concurrent.

by Vyacheslav Yasinskiy
2001 IMO Shortlist  G2 (KOR) problem 1 
In acute triangle ABC with circumcenter O and altitude AP, \angle C \ge \angle B + 30^\circ. Prove that \angle A + \angle COP < 90^\circ.

by Hojoo Lee
Let ABC be a triangle with centroid G. Determine, with proof, the position of the point P in the plane of ABC such that AP \cdot AG+BP \cdot BG+CP \cdot CG is a minimum, and express this minimum value in terms of the side lengths of ABC.

by Christopher Bradley
2001 IMO Shortlist  G4 (FRA)
Let M be a point in the interior of triangle ABC. Let A’ lie on BC with MA’ perpendicular to BC. Define B’ on CA and C’ on AB similarly. Define p(M) = \frac{MA’ \cdot MB’ \cdot MC’}{ MA \cdot MB \cdot MC} . Determine, with proof, the location of M such that p(M) is maximal. Let \mu (ABC) denote this maximum value. For which triangles ABC is the value of \mu (ABC) maximal?

Let ABC be an acute triangle. Let DAC,EAB, and FBC be isosceles triangles exterior to ABC, with DA = DC,EA = EB, and FB = FC, such that \angle ADC = 2\angle BAC, \angle BEA = 2\angle ABC, \angle CFB = 2\angle ACB. Let D’ be the intersection of lines DB and EF, let E’ be the intersection of EC and DF, and let F’ be the intersection of FA and DE. Find, with proof, the value of the sum \frac{DB}{DD’} +\frac{EC}{EE’} +\frac{FA}{FF’}

by Sotiris Louridas
2001 IMO Shortlist  G6 (IND)
Let ABC be a triangle and P an exterior point in the plane of the triangle. Suppose AP,BP,CP meet the sides BC,CA,AB (or extensions thereof) in D,E, F, respectively. Suppose further that the areas of triangles PBD, PCE, PAF are all equal. Prove that each of these areas is equal to the area of triangle ABC itself. 

by C.R. Pranesachar

Let O be an interior point of acute triangle ABC. Let A_1 lie on BC with OA_1 perpendicular to BC. Define B_1 on CA and C_1 on AB similarly. Prove that O is the circumcenter of ABC if and only if the perimeter of A_1B_1C_1 is not less than any one of the perimeters of AB_1C_1,BC_1A_1, and CA_1B_1.

by Emil Stoyanov
2001 IMO Shortlist  G8 (ISR) problem 5
Let ABC be a triangle with \angle BAC = 60^\circ. Let AP bisect \angle BAC and let BQ bisect \angle ABC, with P on BC and Q on AC. If AB +BP = AQ+QB, what are the angles of the triangle?

by Shay Gueron
Let B be a point on a circle S_1, and let A be a point distinct from B on the tangent at B to S_1. Let C be a point not on S_1 such that the line segment AC meets S_1 at two distinct points. Let S_2 be the circle touching AC at C and touching S_1 at a point D on the opposite side of AC from B. Prove that the circumcentre of triangle BCD lies on the circumcircle of triangle ABC.

Let ABC be a triangle for which there exists an interior point F such that \angle AFB  =  \angle BFC  =  \angle CFA. Let the lines BF and CF meet the sides AC and AB at D and E respectively. Prove that AB +  AC  \ge  4 DE.

by Hojoo Lee
2002 IMO Shortlist G3 (KOR) problem 2
The circle S has centre O, and BC is a diameter of S. Let A be a point of S such that \angle AOB < 120^\circ. Let D be the midpoint of the arc AB which does not contain C. The line  through O parallel to DA meets the line AC at I. The perpendicular bisector of OA meets S at E and at F. Prove that I is the incentre of the triangle CEF.

by Hojoo Lee
Circles S_1 and S_2 intersect at points P and Q. Distinct points A_1 and B_1 (not at P or Q) are selected on S_1. The lines A_1P and B_1P meet S_2 again at A_2 and B_2 respectively, and the lines A_1B_1 and A_2B_2 meet at C. Prove that, as A_1 and B_1 vary, the circumcentres of triangles A_1A_2C all lie on one fixed circle.

For any set S of five points in the plane, no three of which are collinear, let M (S) and m (S) denote the greatest and smallest areas, respectively, of triangles determined by three points from S. What is the minimum possible value of M (S) / m (S)?

by Angelo Di Pasquale
2002 IMO Shortlist G6 (UKR) problem 6
Let n  \ge 3 be a positive integer. Let C_1, C_2, C_3, … , C_n be unit circles in the plane, with centres O_1, O_2, O_3, … , O_n respectively. If no line meets more than two of the circles, prove that \sum_{1\le I < j \le n} \frac{1}{O_ i O_ j} \le frac{(n- 1) \pi}{4}.

by V. Yasinskiy
The incircle \Omega of the acute-angled triangle ABC is tangent to BC at K. Let AD be an altitude of triangle ABC and let M be the midpoint of AD. If N is the other common point of and KM, prove that \Omega and the circumcircle of triangle BCN are tangent at N.

Let S_1 and S_2 be circles meeting at the points A and B. A line through A meets S_1 at C and S_2 at D. Points M, N, K lie on the line segments CD, BC, BD respectively, with MN parallel to BD and MK parallel to BC. Let E and F be points on those arcs BC of S_1 and BD of S_2 respectively that do not contain A. Given that EN is perpendicular to BC and FK is perpendicular to BD prove that \angle EMF = 90^\circ .

2003 IMO Shortlist G1 (FIN) problem 4
Let ABCD be a cyclic quadrilateral.  Let P , Q, R be the feet of the perpendiculars from D to the lines BC, CA, AB, respectively. Show that PQ = QR if and only if the bisectors of \angle ABC and \angle ADC are concurrent with AC.

by Matti Lehtinen
Three distinct points A, B, C are fixed on a line in this order. Let \Gamma be a circle passing through A and C whose centre does not lie on the line AC.  Denote by P the intersection of the tangents to  \Gamma at A and C.  Suppose \Gamma meets the segment PB at Q.  Prove that the intersection of the bisector of \angle AQC and the line AC does not depend on the choice of \Gamma.

Let ABC be a triangle and let P be a point in its interior. Denote by D, E, F the feet of the perpendiculars from P to the lines BC, CA, AB, respectively. Suppose that
AP^2 + PD^2 = BP^2 + PE^2 = CP^2 + PF^2.
Denote by I_A, I_B , I_C the excentres of the triangle ABC. Prove that P is the circumcentre of the triangle I_AI_BI_C .

by C.R. Pranesachar
Let \Gamma_1, \Gamma_2, \Gamma_3, \Gamma_4 be distinct circles such that \Gamma_1, \Gamma_3 are externally tangent at P , and \Gamma_2, \Gamma_4 are externally tangent at the same point P . Suppose that \Gamma_1 and \Gamma_2, \Gamma_2 and \Gamma_3, \Gamma_3 and \Gamma_4, \Gamma_4 and \Gamma_1 meet at A, B, C, D, respectively, and that all these points are different from P . Prove that \frac{AB \cdot  BC}{AD \cdot DC}=\frac{PB^2}{PD^2}.

Let ABC  be an isosceles triangle with AC = BC, whose incentre is I.  Let P  be a point on the circumcircle of the triangle AIB lying inside the triangle ABC. The lines through P parallel to CA and CB meet AB at D and E, respectively. The line through P parallel to AB meets CA and CB at F  and G, respectively.  Prove that the lines DF  and EG intersect on the circumcircle of the triangle ABC.

by Hojoo Lee
2003 IMO Shortlist G6 (POL) problem 3
Each pair of opposite sides of a convex hexagon has the following property:
the distance between their midpoints is equal to \sqrt{3} / 2 times the sum of their lengths. Prove that all the angles of the hexagon are equal.

by Waldemar Pompe
Let ABC be a triangle with semiperimeter s and inradius r.  The semicircles with diameters BC, CA, AB are drawn on the outside of the triangle ABC. The circle tangent to all three semicircles has radius t. Prove that \frac{s}{2}< t \le \frac{s}{2}  + \Big(1 -\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}\Big) r .

by Dirk Laurie
2004 IMO Shortlist G1 (ROU) problem 1
Let ABC be an acute-angled triangle with AB \ne AC. The circle with diameter BC intersects the sides AB and AC at M and N , respectively. Denote by O the midpoint of BC. The bisectors of the angles BAC and MON intersect at R. Prove  that the circumcircles of the triangles BMR and CNR have a common point lying on the line segment BC.

by D. Serbanescu & V. Vornicu
2004 IMO Shortlist G2 (KAZ)
The circle \Gamma and the line l do not intersect. Let AB be the diameter of \Gamma perpendicular to l, with B closer to l than A. An arbitrary point C \ne A, B is chosen on \Gamma. The line AC intersects l  at D. The line DE is tangent to \Gamma at E, with B and E on the same side of AC. Let BE intersect l at F , and let AF intersect \Gamma at G \ne A. Prove that the reflection of G in AB lies on the line CF .

2004 IMO Shortlist G3 (KOR)
Let O be the circumcenter of an acute-angled triangle ABC with \angle  B < \angle  C.  The line AO meets the side BC at D. The circumcenters of the triangles ABD and ACD are E and F , respectively. Extend the sides BA and CA beyond A, and choose on the respective extensions points G and H such that AG = AC and AH = AB.  Prove that the quadrilateral EFGH is a rectangle if and only if \angle  ACB - \angle  ABC = 60^\circ.

by Hojoo Lee
2004 IMO Shortlist G4 (POL) problem 5
In a convex quadrilateral ABCD the diagonal BD does not bisect the angles ABC and CDA.  The point P  lies inside ABCD and satisfies \angle  PBC = \angle  DBA   and   \angle  PDC = \angle    BDA. Prove that ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral if and only if AP = CP .

by Waldemar Pompe
2004 IMO Shortlist G5 (SCG)
Let A_1A_2 … A_n be a regular n-gon. The points B_1,..., B_{n-1} are defined as follows:
If i =1 or i = n – 1, then B_i is the midpoint of the side A_iA_{i+1},
If i \ne 1, i \ne n – 1 and S is the intersection point of A_iA_{i+1} and A_nA_i, then B_i  is the intersection point of the bisector of the angle A_iSA_{i+1} with A_iA_{i+1}.
Prove the equality \angle  A_1B_1A_n + \angle  A_1B_2A_n + … +\angle  A_1B_{n-1}A_n = 180^\circ.

by Dušan Ðukic
2004 IMO Shortlist G6 (UNK)
Let P be a convex polygon. Prove that there is a convex hexagon which is contained in P and which occupies at least 75 percent of the area of P.

by Ben Green & Edward Crane
2004 IMO Shortlist G7 (RUS)
For a given triangle ABC, let X be a variable point on the line BC such that C lies between B and X and the incircles of the triangles ABX and ACX intersect at two distinct points P and Q.  Prove that the line PQ passes through a point independent of X.

2004 IMO Shortlist G8 (SCG)
A cyclic quadrilateral ABCD is given. The lines AD and BC intersect at E, with C between B and E; the diagonals AC and BD intersect at F . Let M be the midpoint of the side CD, and let N \ne M be a point on the circumcircle of the triangle ABM  such that AN/BN = AM/BM . Prove that the points E, F  and N are collinear.

by Dušan Ðukic
2005 IMO Shortlist G1 (HEL)
In a triangle ABC satisfying AB + BC = 3AC the incircle has centre I and touches the sides AB and BC at D and E, respectively. Let K and L be the symmetric points of D and E with respect to I. Prove that the quadrilateral ACKL is cyclic.

by Dimitris Kontogiannis
2005 IMO Shortlist G2 (ROU) problem 1
Six points are chosen on the sides of an equilateral triangle ABC: A_1, A_2 on BC, B_1, B_2 on CA, and C_1, C_2 on AB, so that they are the vertices of a convex hexagon A_1A_2B_1B_2C_1C_2 with equal side lengths. Prove that the lines A_1B_2, B_1C_2  and C_1A_2  are concurrent.

by Bogdan Enescu
2005 IMO Shortlist G3 (UKR)
Let ABCD be a parallelogram. A variable line l passing through the point A intersects the rays BC and DC at points X and Y , respectively. Let K and L be the centres of the excircles of triangles ABX and ADY , touching the sides BX and DY , respectively. Prove that the size of angle KCL does not depend on the choice of the line l.

by Vyacheslav Yasinskiy
2005 IMO Shortlist G4 (POL) problem 5
Let ABCD be a fixed convex quadrilateral with BC = DA and BC not parallel to DA. Let two variable points E and F lie on the sides BC and DA, respectively, and satisfy BE = DF . The lines AC and BD meet at P , the lines BD and EF meet at Q, the lines EF and AC meet at R. Prove that the circumcircles of triangles PQR, as E and F vary, have a common point other than P .

by Waldemar Pompe
2005 IMO Shortlist G5 (ROU)
Let ABC be an acute-angled triangle with AB \ne AC, let H be its orthocentre and M the midpoint of BC.  Points D on AB and E on AC  are such that AE = AD and D, H, E are collinear. Prove that HM is orthogonal to the common chord of the circumcircles of triangles ABC and ADE.

2005 IMO Shortlist G6 (RUS)
The median AM of a triangle ABC intersects its incircle \omega at K and L. The lines through K and L parallel to BC intersect \omega again at X and Y .  The lines AX and AY intersect BC at  P and Q. Prove that BP = CQ.

2005 IMO Shortlist G7 (KOR)
In an acute triangle ABC, let D, E, F , P , Q, R be the feet of perpendiculars from A, B, C, A, B, C  to BC, CA, AB, EF , F D, DE, respectively. Prove that p(ABC)p(P QR) \ge  p(DEF)^2, where p(T) denotes the perimeter of the triangle T .

by Hojoo Lee
2006 IMO Shortlist G1 (KOR) problem 1
Let ABC be a triangle with incentre I. A point P in the interior of the triangle satisfies \angle PBA + \angle PCA = \angle PBC + \angle PCB.   Show that AP \ge  AI and that equality holds if and only if P coincides with I.

by Hojoo Lee
2006 IMO Shortlist G2 (UKR)
Let ABCD be a trapezoid with parallel sides AB > CD.  Points K and L lie on the line segments AB and CD, respectively, so that AK/KB = DL/LC. Suppose that there are points P and Q on the line segment KL satisfying \angle APB = \angle BCD  and \angle CQD = \angle ABC. Prove that the points P , Q, B and C are concyclic.

by Vyacheslav Yasinskiy
2006 IMO Shortlist G3 (USA)
Let ABCDE be a convex pentagon such that \angle BAC = \angle CAD = \angle DAE     and     \angle ABC = \angle ACD = \angle ADE. The diagonals BD and CE meet at P . Prove that the line AP bisects the side CD.

by Zuming Feng
2006 IMO Shortlist G4 (RUS)
A point D is chosen on the side AC of a triangle ABC with \angle C < \angle A < 90^\circ in such a way that BD = BA. The incircle of ABC is tangent to AB and AC at points K and L, respectively. Let J be the incentre of triangle BCD. Prove that the line KL intersects the line segment AJ at its midpoint.

2006 IMO Shortlist G5 (HEL)
In triangle ABC, let J be the centre of the excircle tangent to side BC at A_1  and to the extensions of sides AC and AB at B_1  and C_1, respectively.  Suppose that the lines A_1B_1 and AB are perpendicular and intersect at D. Let E be the foot of the perpendicular from C_1 to line DJ . Determine the angles \angle BEA_1  and \angle AEB_1.

by Dimitris Kontogiannis
2006 IMO Shortlist G6 (BRA)
Circles \omega_1 and \omega _2 with centres O_1 and O_2  are externally tangent at point D and internally tangent to a circle \omega at points E and F , respectively. Line t is the common tangent of \omega_1  and \omega_2  at D. Let AB be the diameter of \omega  perpendicular to t, so that A, E and O_1  are on the same side of t. Prove that lines AO_1, BO_2, EF and t are concurrent.

2006 IMO Shortlist G7 (SVK)
In a triangle ABC, let M_a, M_b, M_c  be respectively the midpoints of the sides BC, CA, AB and T_a, T_b, T_c be the midpoints of the arcs BC, CA, AB of the circumcircle of ABC, not containing the opposite vertices. For i \in \{a, b, c\}, let \omega_i be the circle with M_iT_i as diameter. Let p_i be the common external tangent to \omega_j , \omega_k (\{i, j, k\} = \{a, b, c\}) such that \omega_i lies on the opposite side of p_i than \omega_j , \omega_k do. Prove that the lines p_a, p_b, p_c form a triangle similar to ABC and find the ratio of similitude.

by Tomáš Jurík
2006 IMO Shortlist G8 (POL)
Let ABCD be a convex quadrilateral.  A circle passing through the points A and D and a circle passing through the points B and C are externally tangent at a point P inside the quadrilateral. Suppose that \angle P AB + \angle PDC \le 90^\circ  and  \angle PBA + \angle PCD \le 90^\circ . Prove that AB + CD \ge  BC + AD.

by Waldemar Pompe
2006 IMO Shortlist G9 (RUS)
Points A_1,B_1, C_1 are chosen on the sides BC, CA, AB of a triangle ABC, respectively. The circumcircles of triangles AB_1C_1, BC_1A_1, CA_1B_1 intersect the circumcircle of triangle ABC again at points A_2, B_2, C_2, respectively (A_2 \ne A, B_2 \ne B, C_2 \ne C). Points A_3, B_3, C_3  are symmetric to A_1, B_1, C_1 with respect to the midpoints of the sides BC, CA, AB respectively. Prove that the triangles A_2B_2C_2 and A_3B_3C_3 are similar.

2006 IMO Shortlist G10 (SRB) problem 6
To each side a of a convex polygon we assign the maximum area of a triangle contained in the polygon and having a as one of its sides. Show that the sum of the areas assigned to all sides of the polygon is not less than twice the area of the polygon.

by Dušan Ðukic
2007 IMO Shortlist G1 (CZE) problem 4
In triangle ABC, the angle bisector at vertex C intersects the circumcircle and the perpendicular bisectors of sides BC and CA at points R, P, and Q, respectively. The midpoints of BC and CA are S and T, respectively. Prove that triangles RQT and RPS have the same area.

by Marek Pechal
2007 IMO Shortlist G2 (CAN)
Given an isosceles triangle ABC with AB = AC. The midpoint of side BC is denoted by M. Let X be a variable point on the shorter arc MA of the circumcircle of triangle ABMLet T be the point in the angle domain BMA, for which \angle TMX = 90^o and TX = BX. Prove that \angle MTB -  \angle CTM does not depend on X.

by Farzin Barekat
2007 IMO Shortlist G3 (UKR)
The diagonals of a trapezoid ABCD intersect at point P. Point Q lies between the parallel lines BC and AD such that \angle AQD = \angle CQB, and line CD separates points P and Q. Prove that \angle BQP =\angle DAQ.

by Vyacheslav Yasinskiy
2007 IMO Shortlist G4 (LUX) problem 2
Consider five points A, B, C, D, E such that ABCD is a parallelogram and BCED is a cyclic quadrilateral. Let \ell  be a line passing through A, and let \ell intersect segment DC and line BC at points F and G, respectively. Suppose that EF = EG = EC. Prove that \ell  is the bisector of angle DAB.

by Charles Leytem
2007 IMO Shortlist G5 (UNK)
Let ABC be a fixed triangle, and let A_1, B_1, C_1 be the midpoints of sides BC, CA, AB, respectively. Let P be a variable point on the circumcircle. Let lines PA_1, PB_1, PC_1 meet the circumcircle again at A', B', C' respectively. Assume that the points A, B, C, A', B', C' are distinct, and lines AA', BB', CC' form a triangle. Prove that the area of this triangle does not depend on P.

by Christopher Bradley
2007 IMO Shortlist G6 (USA)
Determine the smallest positive real number k with the following property. Let ABCD be a convex quadrilateral, and let points A_1, B_1, C_1 and D_1 lie on sides AB, BC,CD and DA, respectively. Consider the areas of triangles AA_1D_1, BB_1A_1, CC_1B_1, and DD_1C_1; let S be the sum of the two smallest ones, and let S_1 be the area of quadrilateral A_1B_1C_1D_1. Then we always have kS_1 \ge  S .

by Z. Feng & O. Golberg
2007 IMO Shortlist G7 (IRN)
Given an acute triangle ABC with angles \alpha, \beta and \gamma at vertices A, B and C, respectively, such that \beta > \gamma . Point I is the incenter, and R is the circumradius. Point D is the foot of the altitude from vertex A. Point K lies on line AD such that AK = 2R, and D separates A and K. Finally, lines DI and KI meet sides AC and BC at E and F, respectively. Prove that if IE = IF then \beta \le 3 \gamma .

by Davoud Vakili
2007 IMO Shortlist G8 (POL)
Point P lies on side AB of a convex quadrilateral ABCD. Let \omega be the incircle of triangle CPD, and let I be its incenter. Suppose that \omega is tangent to the incircles of triangles APD and BPC at points K and L, respectively. Let lines AC and BD meet at E, and let lines AK and BL meet at F. Prove that points E, I, and F are collinear.

by Waldemar Pompe
2008 IMO Shortlist G1 (RUS) problem 1
In an acute-angled triangle ABC, point H is the orthocentre and A_o, B_o, C_o are the midpoints of the sides BC, CA, AB, respectively. Consider three circles passing through H: \omega_a around A_o, \omega_b around B_o and \omega_c around C_o. The circle \omega_a intersects the line BC at A_1 and A_2; \omega_b intersects CA at B_1 and B_2; \omega_c intersects AB at C_1 and C_2. Show that the points A_1, A_2, B_1, B_2, C_1, C_2 lie on a circle.

by A. Gavrilyuk
2008 IMO Shortlist G2 (LUX)
Given trapezoid ABCD with parallel sides AB and CD, assume that there exist points E on line BC outside segment BC, and F inside segment AD, such that \angle DAE = \angle CBF. Denote by I the point of intersection of CD and EF, and by J the point of intersection of AB and EF. Let K be the midpoint of segment EF; assume it does not lie on line AB. Prove that I belongs to the circumcircle of ABK if and only if K belongs to the circumcircle of CDJ.

by Charles Leytem
2008 IMO Shortlist G3 (PER)
Let ABCD be a convex quadrilateral and let P and Q be points in ABCD such that PQDA and QPBC are cyclic quadrilaterals. Suppose that there exists a point E on the line segment PQ such that \angle PAE = \angle QDE and \angle PBE =\angle QCE. Show that the quadrilateral ABCD is cyclic.

by John Cuya
2008 IMO Shortlist G4 (IRN)
In an acute triangle ABC segments BE and CF are altitudes. Two circles passing through the points A and F are tangent to the line BC at the points P and Q so that B lies between C and Q. Prove that the lines PE and QF  intersect on the circumcircle of triangle AEF.

2008 IMO Shortlist G5 (NLD)
Let k and n be integers with 0 \le k \le n - 2 . Consider a set L of  n lines in the plane such that no two of them are parallel and no three have a common point. Denote by  I the set of intersection points of lines in L. Let O be a point in the plane not lying on any line of L. A point X \in I is colored red if the open line segment OX intersects at most k  lines in L. Prove that I contains at least \frac{1}{2} (k+ 1)(k + 2) red points.

2008 IMO Shortlist G6 (SRB)
There is given a convex quadrilateral ABCD. Prove that there exists a point P inside the quadrilateral such that \angle PAB + \angle PDC = \angle PBC + \angle PAD = \angle PCD + \angle PBA = \angle PDA + \angle PCB = 90^o  if and only if the diagonals AC and  BD  are perpendicular.

by Dušan Ðukic
2008 IMO Shortlist G7 (RUS) problem 6
Let  ABCD be a convex quadrilateral with AB \ne BC. Denote by \omega_1 and \omega_2 the incircles of triangles ABC and ADC. Suppose that there exists a circle \omega  inscribed in angle ABC, tangent to the extensions of line segments AD  and  CD. Prove that the common external tangents of \omega_1  and  \omega_2 intersect on \omega.

by V. Shmarov
2009 IMO Shortlist G1 (BEL) problem 4
Let ABC be a triangle with AB = AC. The angle bisectors of A and B meet the sides BC and AC in D and E, respectively. Let K be the incenter of triangle ADC. Suppose that \angle BEK = 45^o. Find all possible values of   \angle BAC.

by H. Lee, P. Vandendriessche & J. Vonk,
2009 IMO Shortlist G2 (RUS) problem 2
Let ABC be a triangle with circumcenter O. The points P and Q are interior points of the sides CA and AB, respectively. The circle k passes through the midpoints of the segments BP, CQ, and PQ. Prove that if the line PQ is tangent to circle k then OP = OQ.

by Sergei Berlov
2009 IMO Shortlist G3 (IRN)
Let ABC be a triangle. The incircle of ABC touches the sides AB and AC at the points Z and Y , respectively. Let G be the point where the lines BY and CZ meet, and let R  and S be points such that the two quadrilaterals BCY R and BCSZ  are parallelograms. Prove that GR = GS.

2009 IMO Shortlist G4 (UNK)
Given a cyclic quadrilateral ABCD, let the diagonals AC and BD meet at E and the lines AD and BC   meet at F. The midpoints of  AB and CD are G and H, respectively. Show that EF is tangent at E to the circle through the points E, G,  and H.

Let P be a polygon that is convex and symmetric to some point O. Prove that for some parallelogram R satisfying P \subset R we have  \frac{|R|}{|P| }\le \sqrt{2} where |R| and |P| denote the area of the sets R and P, respectively.

2009 IMO Shortlist G6 (UKR)
Let the sides AD and BC of the quadrilateral ABCD (such that AB is not parallel to CD) intersect at point P. Points O_1 and O_2 are the circumcenters and points H_1 and H_2  are the orthocenters of triangles ABP and DCP, respectively. Denote the midpoints of segments O_1H_1 and O_2H_2 by E_1 and E_2, respectively. Prove that the perpendicular from E_1 on CD, the perpendicular from E_2 on AB and the line H_1H_2 are concurrent. 

by Eugene Bilopitov
2009 IMO Shortlist G7 (IRN)
Let ABC be a triangle with incenter I and let X, Y and Z be the incenters of the triangles BIC, CIA and AIB, respectively. Let the triangle XY Z be equilateral. Prove that ABC is equilateral too.

2009 IMO Shortlist G8 (BGR)
Let ABCD be a circumscribed quadrilateral. Let g be a line through A which meets the segment BC in M and the line CD in N. Denote by I_1, I_2, and I_3 the incenters of \vartriangle ABM, \vartriangle MNC, and \vartriangle  NDA, respectively. Show that the orthocenter of \vartriangle I_1I_2I_3 lies on g.

2010 IMO Shortlist G1 (UNK)
Let ABC be an acute triangle with D,E, F the feet of the altitudes lying on BC,CA,AB respectively. One of the intersection points of the line EF and the circumcircle is P. The lines BP and DF meet at point Q. Prove that AP = AQ.

by Christopher Bradley
2010 IMO Shortlist G2 (POL) problem 4
Point P lies inside triangle ABC. Lines AP, BP, CP meet the circumcircle of  ABC again at points K, L, M, respectively. The tangent to the circumcircle at C meets line AB at S. Prove that SC = SP if and only if MK = ML.

by Marcin E. Kuczma
2010 IMO Shortlist G3 (ARM)
Let A_1A_2...A_n be a convex polygon. Point P inside this polygon is chosen so that its projections P_1, ..., P_n onto lines A_1A_2, ... , A_nA_1 respectively lie on the sides of the polygon. Prove that for arbitrary points X_1, ... , X_n on sides A_1A_2, ... , A_nA_1 respectively, max \{ \frac{X_1X_2}{P_1P_2},... ,  \frac{X_nX_1}{P_nP_1}\} \ge 1.

by Nairi Sedrakyan
2010 IMO Shortlist G4 (HKG) problem 2
Let I be the incenter of a triangle ABC and \Gamma be its circumcircle. Let the line AI intersect \Gamma at a point D \ne A. Let F and E be points on side BC and arc BDC respectively such that \angle BAF  =  \angle CAE  < \frac{1}{2}  \angle BAC. Finally, let G be the midpoint of the segment IF.  Prove that the lines DG and EI intersect on \Gamma.

by Tai Wai Ming & Wang Chongli
2010 IMO Shortlist G5 (UKR)
Let ABCDE be a convex pentagon such that BC// AE, AB  = BC + AE, and \angle ABC = \angle  CDE. Let M be the midpoint of CE, and let O be the circumcenter of triangle BCD. Given that  \angle DMO =90^o , prove that 2 \angle BDA =  \angle CDE.

by Nazar Serdyuk
2010 IMO Shortlist G6 (BUL)
The vertices X, Y , Z of an equilateral triangle XYZ lie respectively on the sides BC, CA, AB of an acute-angled triangle ABC. Prove that the incenter of triangle ABC lies inside triangle XYZ.

by Nikolay Beluhov

2010 IMO Shortlist G7 (HUN)
Three circular arcs \gamma_1, \gamma_2, and \gamma_3 connect the points A and C. These arcs lie in the same half-plane defined by line AC in such a way that arc \gamma_2 lies between the arcs \gamma_1 and \gamma_3. Point B lies on the segment AC. Let h_1, h_2, and h_3 be three rays starting at B, lying in the same half-plane, h_2 being between h_1 and h_3. For i, j = 1, 2, 3, denote by V_{ij} the point of intersection of h_i and \gamma_j (see the Figure below). Denote by \widehat{V_{ij}V_{kj}}\widehat{V_{kl}V_{il}} the curved quadrilateral, whose sides are the segments V_{ij}V_{il}, V_{kj}V_{kl} and arcs V_{ij}V_{kj} and V_{il}V_{kl}. We say that this quadrilateral is circumscribed if there exists a circle touching these two segments and two arcs. Prove that if the curved quadrilaterals \widehat{V_{11}V_{21}}\widehat{V_{22}V_{12}}, \widehat{V_{12}V_{22}}\widehat{V_{23}V_{13}},\widehat{V_{21}V_{31}}\widehat{V_{32}V_{22}} are circumscribed, then the curved quadrilateral \widehat{V_{22}V_{32}}\widehat{V_{33}V_{23}} is circumscribed, too.

by Géza Kós

2011 IMO Shortlist G1 (EST)
Let  ABC be an acute triangle. Let \omega be a circle whose center L lies on the side BC. Suppose that \omega is tangent to AB at B'  and to AC at C' . Suppose also that the circumcenter O of the triangle ABC lies on the shorter arc B' C' of \omega. Prove that the circumcircle of ABC and \omega meet at two points.

by Härmel Nestra
2011 IMO Shortlist G2 (ISR)
Let A_1A_2A_3A_4 be a non-cyclic quadrilateral. Let O_1 and r_1 be the circumcenter and the circumradius of the triangle A_2A_3A_4. Define O_2, O_3, O_4 and r_2, r_3, r_4 in a similar way. Prove that \frac{1}{O_1A_1^2 - r_1^2}+ \frac{1}{O_2A_2^2 - r_2^2}+\frac{1}{O_3A_3^2 - r_3^2}+\frac{1}{O_4A_4^2 - r_4^2}=  0.

by Alexey Gladkich
2011 IMO Shortlist G3 (BRA)
Let ABCD be a convex quadrilateral whose sides AD and BC  are not parallel. Suppose that the circles with diameters AB and CD meet at points E and F inside the quadrilateral. Let \omega_E be the circle through the feet of the perpendiculars from E to the lines AB, BC, and CD. Let \omega_F be the circle through the feet of the perpendiculars from F to the lines CD, DA, and AB. Prove that the midpoint of the segment EF lies on the line through the two intersection points of \omega_E and \omega_F .

by Carlos Shine
2011 IMO Shortlist G4 (RUS)
Let ABC be an acute triangle with circumcircle \Omega. Let B_0 be the midpoint of AC and let C_0 be the midpoint of AB. Let D be the foot of the altitude from A, and let G be the centroid of the triangle ABC. Let \omega be a circle through B_0 and C_0 that is tangent to the circle  \Omega at a point X \ne A. Prove that the points D, G, and X are collinear.

by Ismail Isaev & Mikhail Isaev

Let ABC be a triangle with incenter I and circumcircle \omega. Let D and E be the second  intersection points of \omega  with the lines AI and BI, respectively. The chord DE meets AC at a point F, and BC at a point G. Let P be the intersection point of the line through F parallel to AD and the line through G parallel to BE. Suppose that the tangents to \omega  at A and at B meet at a point K. Prove that the three lines AE, BD, and KP are either parallel or concurrent.

by Irena Majcen & Kris Stopar
2011 IMO Shortlist G6 (BEL)
Let ABC be a triangle with AB = AC, and let D be the midpoint of AC. The angle bisector of \angle BAC intersects the circle through D, B, and C in a point E inside the triangle ABC. The line BD intersects the circle through A, E, and B in two points B and F. The lines AF and BE meet at a point I, and the lines CI and BD meet at a point K. Show that I is the incenter of triangle KAB.

by Jan Vonk & Hojoo Lee
2011 IMO Shortlist G7 (JPN) 
Let ABCDEF be a convex hexagon all of whose sides are tangent to a circle \omega with center O. Suppose that the circumcircle of triangle ACE is concentric with \omega . Let J be the foot of the perpendicular from B to CD. Suppose that the perpendicular from B to DF intersects the line EO at a point K. Let L be the foot of the perpendicular from K to DE. Prove that DJ = DL.

2011 IMO Shortlist G8 
(JPN) problem 6
Let ABC be an acute triangle with circumcircle \omega. Let t be a tangent line to \omega. Let t_a, t_b, and t_c be the lines obtained by reflecting t in the lines BC, CA, and AB, respectively. Show that the circumcircle of the triangle determined by the lines t_a, t_b, and t_c is tangent to the circle \omega.

2012 IMO Shortlist G1 (HEL) problem 1
In the triangle ABC the point J is the center of the excircle opposite to A. This excircle  is tangent to the side BC at M, and to the lines AB and AC at K and L respectively. The lines LM and BJ meet at F, and the lines KM and CJ meet at G. Let S be the point of intersection of the lines AF and BC, and let T be the point of intersection of the lines AG and BC. Prove that M is the midpoint of ST.

by Evangelos Psychas
2012 IMO Shortlist G2
Let ABCD be a cyclic quadrilateral whose diagonals AC and BD meet at E. The extensions of the sides AD and BC beyond A and B meet at F. Let G be the point such that ECGD is a parallelogram, and let H be the image of E under reflection in AD. Prove that D, H, F, G are concyclic.

2012 IMO Shortlist G3

In an acute triangle ABC the points D, E and F are the feet of the altitudes through A, B and C respectively. The incenters of the triangles AEF and BDF are I_1 and I_2 respectively; the circumcenters of the triangles ACI_1 and BCI_2 are O_1 and O_2 respectively. Prove that I_1I_2 and O_1O_2 are parallel.

2012 IMO Shortlist G4

Let  ABC be a triangle with AB \ne AC and circumcenter O. The bisector of \angle BAC intersects BC at D. Let E be the reflection of D with respect to the midpoint of BC. The lines through D and E perpendicular to BC intersect the lines AO and AD at X and Y respectively. Prove that the quadrilateral BXCY is cyclic.

2012 IMO Shortlist G5 (CZE) problem 5

Let ABC be a triangle with \angle BCA = 90^o, and let C_0 be the foot of the altitude from C. Choose a point X in the interior of the segment CC_0, and let K, L be the points on the segments AX,BX for which BK = BC and AL = AC respectively. Denote by M the intersection of AL and BK. Show that MK = ML.

by Josef Tkadlec
2012 IMO Shortlist G6
Let ABC be a triangle with circumcenter O and incenter I. The points D, E and F on the sides BC, CA and AB respectively are such that BD+ BF=CA and CD + CE = AB. The circumcircles of the triangles BFD and CDE intersect at P \ne D. Prove that OP = OI.

2012 IMO Shortlist G7

Let  ABCD be a convex quadrilateral with non-parallel sides BC and AD. Assume that there is a point E on the side BC such that the quadrilaterals ABED and AECD are circumscribed. Prove that there is a point F on the side AD such that the quadrilaterals ABCF and BCDF are circumscribed if and only if AB is parallel to CD.

2012 IMO Shortlist G8 (ROU)

Let ABC be a triangle with circumcircle \omega and \ell a line without common points with \omega. Denote by P the foot of the perpendicular from the center of \omega to \ell. The side-lines BC,CA,AB intersect \ell at the points X, Y, Z different from P. Prove that the circumcircles of the triangles AXP,BYP and CZP have a common point different from P or are mutually tangent at P.

by Cosmin Pohoata
2013 IMO Shortlist G1 (THA) problem 4
Let ABC be an acute-angled triangle with orthocenter H, and let W be a point on side BC. Denote by M and N the feet of the altitudes from B and C, respectively. Denote by \omega_1 the circumcircle of BWN, and let X be the point on \omega_1 which is diametrically opposite to W. Analogously, denote by \omega_2 the circumcircle of CWM, and let Y be the point on \omega_2 which is diametrically opposite to W. Prove that X, Y and H are collinear.

by Warut Suksompong & Potcharapol Suteparuk
2013 IMO Shortlist G2 (IRN)
Let \omega be the circumcircle of a triangle ABC. Denote by M and N the midpoints of the sides AB and AC, respectively, and denote by T the midpoint of the arc BC of \omega not containing A.  The circumcircles of the triangles AMT and ANT intersect the perpendicular bisectors of AC  and AB at points X and Y , respectively; assume that X and Y lie inside the triangle ABC. The lines MN and XY intersect at K. Prove that KA= KT.

2013 IMO Shortlist G3 (SRB)

In a triangle ABC, let D and E be the feet of the angle bisectors of angles A and B, respectively. A rhombus is inscribed into the quadrilateral AEDB (all vertices of the rhombus lie on different sides of AEDB). Let \phi be the non-obtuse angle of the rhombus. Prove that \phi \le max\{\angle BAC,\angle ABC\}.

2013 IMO Shortlist G4 (GEO)

Let ABC be a triangle with \angle B > \angle C. Let P and Q be two different points on line AC such that \angle PBA =\angle QBA =\angle ACB and A is located between P and C. Suppose that there exists an interior point D of segment BQ for which PD = PB. Let the ray AD intersect the circle ABC at R \ne A. Prove that QB = QR.

2013 IMO Shortlist G5 (UKR)

Let ABCDEF be a convex hexagon with AB = DE, BC = EF, CD =FA, and \angle A - \angle  D =\angle C - \angle F =\angle  E- \angle B. Prove that the diagonals AD,BE, and CF are concurrent.

2013 IMO Shortlist G6 (RUS) problem 3

Let the excircle of the triangle ABC lying opposite to A touch its side BC at the point A_1. Define the points B_1 and C_1 analogously. Suppose that the circumcentre of the triangle A_1B_1C_1 lies on the circumcircle of the triangle ABC. Prove that the triangle ABC is right-angled.

by Alexander A. Polyansky
2014 IMO Shortlist G1 (GEO) problem 4
The points P and Q are chosen on the side BC of an acute-angled triangle ABC so that \angle PAB =\angle  ACB and \angle QAC =\angle CBA. The points M and N are taken on the rays AP and AQ, respectively, so that AP = PM and AQ =QN. Prove that the lines BM and CN intersect on the circumcircle of the triangle ABC.

by Giorgi Arabidze
2014 IMO Shortlist G2 (EST)
Let ABC be a triangle. The points K, L, and M lie on the segments BC, CA, and AB, respectively, such that the lines AK, BL, and CM intersect in a common point. Prove that it is possible to choose two of the triangles ALM, BMK, and CKL whose inradii sum up to at least the inradius of the triangle ABC.

2014 IMO Shortlist G3 (RUS)

Let   \Omega and O be the circumcircle and the circumcentre of an acute-angled triangle ABC with AB > BC. The angle bisector of  \angle ABC intersects  \Omega  at M \ne B. Let \Gamma be the circle with diameter BM. The angle bisectors of  \angle AOB and  \angle BOC intersect \Gamma  at points P and Q, respectively. The point R is chosen on the line PQ so that BR= MR. Prove that BR // AC. (Here we always assume that an angle bisector is a ray.)

2014 IMO Shortlist G4 (UNK)

Consider a fixed circle \Gamma with three fixed points A, B, and C on it. Also, let us fix a real number \lambda \in (0, 1). For a variable point P \notin \{A,B,C\} on \Gamma, let M be the point on the segment CP such that CM= \lambda \cdot CP. Let Q be the second point of intersection of the circumcircles of the triangles AMP and BMC. Prove that as P varies, the point Q lies on a fixed circle.

2014 IMO Shortlist G5 (IRN) problem 3

Let ABCD be a convex quadrilateral with \angle B = \angle D =90^o. Point H is the foot of the perpendicular from A to BD. The points S and T are chosen on the sides AB and AD, respectively, in such a way that H lies inside triangle SCT and \angle SHC - \angle BSC= 90^o ,  \angle THC - \angle DTC = 90^o . Prove that the circumcircle of triangle SHT is tangent to the line BD.

2014 IMO Shortlist G6 (IRN)

Let ABC be a fixed acute-angled triangle. Consider some points E and F lying on the sides AC and AB, respectively, and let M be the midpoint of EF. Let the perpendicular bisector of EF intersect the line BC at K, and let the perpendicular bisector of MK intersect the lines AC and AB at S and T, respectively. We call the pair (E, F) interesting, if the quadrilateral KSAT is cyclic. Suppose that the pairs (E_1, F_1) and (E_2, F_2) are interesting. Prove that \frac{E_1E_2}{AB}= \frac{F_1F_2}{AC}.

2014 IMO Shortlist G7 (USA)

Let ABC be a triangle with circumcircle \Omega  and incentre I. Let the line passing through I and perpendicular to CI intersect the segment BC and the arc BC (not containing A) of  \Omega  at points U and V , respectively. Let the line passing through U and parallel to AI intersect AV  at X, and let the line passing through V and parallel to AI intersect AB at Y . Let W and Z be the midpoints of AX and BC, respectively. Prove that if the points I, X, and Y are collinear, then the points I, W, and Z are also collinear.

2015 IMO Shortlist G1
Let ABC be an acute triangle with orthocenter H. Let G be the point such that the  quadrilateral ABGH is a parallelogram. Let I be the point on the line GH such that AC bisects HI. Suppose that the line AC intersects the circumcircle of the triangle GCI at C and J. Prove that IJ =AH.

2015 IMO Shortlist G2 (HEL) problem 4
Let ABC be a triangle inscribed into a circle \Omega  with center O. A circle \Gamma with center A meets the side BC at points D and E such that D lies between B and E. Moreover, let F and G be the common points of \Gamma and \Omega. We assume that F lies on the arc AB of \Omega  not containing C, and G lies on the arc AC of  \Omega not containing B. The circumcircles of the triangles BDF and CEG meet the sides AB and AC again at K and L, respectively. Suppose that the lines FK and GL are distinct and intersect at X. Prove that the points A, X, and O are collinear.

by Evangelos Psychas & Silouanos Brazitikos
2015 IMO Shortlist G3
 Let ABC be a triangle with \angle C = 90^o, and let H be the foot of the altitude from C. A point D is chosen inside the triangle CBH so that CH bisects AD. Let P be the intersection point of the lines BD and CH. Let \omega be the semicircle with diameter BD that meets the segment CB at an interior point. A line through P is tangent to \omega at Q. Prove that the lines CQ and AD meet on \omega.

2015 IMO Shortlist G4
 Let ABC be an acute triangle, and let M be the midpoint of AC. A circle \omega  passing through B and M meets the sides AB and BC again at P and Q, respectively. Let T be the point such that the quadrilateral BPTQ is a parallelogram. Suppose that T lies on the circumcircle of the triangle ABC. Determine all possible values of BT / BM.

2015 IMO Shortlist G5 (SLV)
 Let ABC be a triangle with CA \ne CB. Let D, F, and G be the midpoints of the sides AB, AC, and BC, respectively. A circle  \Gamma  passing through C and tangent to AB at D meets the segments AF and BG at H and I, respectively. The points H' and I' are symmetric to H and I about F and G, respectively. The line H'I' meets CD and FG at Q and M, respectively. The line CM meets  \Gamma  again at P. Prove that CQ = QP.

2015 IMO Shortlist G6 (UKR) problem 3
 Let ABC be an acute triangle with AB >AC, and let \Gamma be its circumcircle. Let H, M, and F be the orthocenter of the triangle, the midpoint of BC, and the foot of the altitude from A, respectively. Let Q and K be the two points on  \Gamma  that satisfy \angle AQH= 90^o and \angle QKH= 90^o. Prove that the circumcircles of the triangles KQH and KFM are tangent to each other.

2015 IMO Shortlist G7 (BUL)
Let ABCD be a convex quadrilateral, and let P, Q, R, and S be points on the sides AB, BC, CD, and DA, respectively. Let the line segments PR and QS meet at O. Suppose that each of the quadrilaterals APOS, BQOP, CROQ, and DSOR has an incircle. Prove that the lines AC, PQ, and RS are either concurrent or parallel to each other.

by Nikolay Beluhov
2015 IMO Shortlist G8 (BUL)
A triangulation of a convex polygon \Pi is a partitioning of \Pi into triangles by diagonals having no common points other than the vertices of the polygon. We say that a triangulation is a Thaiangulation if all triangles in it have the same area.
Prove that any two different Thaiangulations of a convex polygon \Pi differ by exactly two triangles. (In other words, prove that it is possible to replace one pair of triangles in the first Thaiangulation with a different pair of triangles so as to obtain the second Thaiangulation.)

by Nikolay Beluhov
2016 IMO Shortlist G1 (BEL) problem 1
In a convex pentagon ABCDE, let F be a point on AC such that \angle FBC = 90^o. Suppose triangles ABF, ACD and ADE are similar isosceles triangles with \angle FAB = \angle FBA = \angle DAC = \angle DCA = \angle EAD = \angle EDA.  Let M be the midpoint of CF. Point X is chosen such that AMXE is a parallelogram. Show that BD,EM and FX are concurrent.

2016 IMO Shortlist G2 (TWN)
Let ABC be a triangle with circumcircle \Gamma and incentre I. Let M be the midpoint of side BC. Denote by D the foot of perpendicular from I to side BC. The line through I perpendicular to AI meets sides AB and AC at F and E respectively. Suppose the circumcircle of triangle AEF intersects \Gamma  at a point X other than A. Prove that lines XD and AM meet on \Gamma .

by Evan Chen
2016 IMO Shortlist G3 (IND)
 Let B= (-1,0) and C = (1, 0) be fixed points on the coordinate plane. A nonempty, bounded subset S of the plane is said to be nice if
(i) there is a point T in S such that for every point Q in S, the segment TQ lies entirely in S; and
(ii) for any triangle P_1P_2P_3, there exists a unique point A in S and a permutation \sigma of the indices \{1, 2, 3\} for which triangles ABC and P_{\sigma (1)} P_{\sigma (2)}P_{\sigma (3)} are similar.
Prove that there exist two distinct nice subsets S and S' of the set \{(x; y) : x \ge 0, y \ge 0 \} such that if  A \in S and A' \in  S' are the unique choices of points in (ii), then the product BA \cdot BA' is a constant independent of the triangle P_1P_2P_3.

by C.R. Pranesachar
2016 IMO Shortlist G4
Let ABC be a triangle with AB = AC \ne BC and let I be its incentre. The line BI meets AC at D, and the line through D perpendicular to AC meets AI at E. Prove that the reflection of I in AC lies on the circumcircle of triangle BDE.

2016 IMO Shortlist G5
Let D be the foot of perpendicular from A to the Euler line (the line passing through the circumcentre and the orthocentre) of an acute scalene triangle ABC. A circle \omega with centre S passes through A and D, and it intersects sides AB and AC at X and Y respectively. Let P be the foot of altitude from A to BC, and let M be the midpoint of BC. Prove that the circumcentre of triangle XSY is equidistant from P and M.

2016 IMO Shortlist G6
Let ABCD be a convex quadrilateral with \angle ABC = \angle ADC < 90^o. The internal angle bisectors of \angle ABC and \angle ADC meet AC at E and F respectively, and meet each other at point P. Let M be the midpoint of AC and let \omega be the circumcircle of triangle BPD. Segments BM and DM intersect \omega again at X and Y respectively. Denote by Q the intersection point of lines XE and Y F. Prove that PQ \perp AC.

2016 IMO Shortlist G7
Let I be the incentre of a non-equilateral triangle ABC, I_A be the A-excentre, I'_A be the reflection of I_A in BC, and \ell_A be the reflection of line AI'_A in AI. Define points I_B, I'_B and line \ell_B analogously. Let P be the intersection point of \ell_A and \ell_B.
a) Prove that P lies on line OI where O is the circumcentre of triangle ABC.
b) Let one of the tangents from P to the incircle of triangle ABC meet the circumcircle at points X and Y . Show that \angle XIY = 120^o.

2016 IMO Shortlist G8
Let A_1,B_1 and C_1 be points on sides BC,CA and AB of an acute triangle ABC respectively, such that AA_1,BB_1 and CC_1 are the internal angle bisectors of triangle ABC. Let I be the incentre of triangle ABC, and H be the orthocentre of triangle A_1B_1C_1. Show that AH + BH + CH \ge  AI + BI+ CI.

2017 IMO Shortlist G1 (ITA)
Let ABCDE be a convex pentagon such that AB = BC =CD, \angle EAB = \angle BCD, and \angle EDC =\angle CBA. Prove that the perpendiular line from E to BC and the line segments AC and BD are concurrent.

2017 IMO Shortlist  G2 (LUX) problem 4
Let R and S be distint points on circle \Omega, and let t denote the tangent line to \Omega at R. Point R' is the reflection of R with respect to S. A point I is chosen on the smaller arc RS of  \Omega so that the circumcircle \Gamma of triangle ISR'   intersects t at two different points. Denote by A the common point of \Gamma and t that is closest to R. Line AI meets \Omega  again at J. Show that JR' is tangent to \Gamma.

by Charles Leytem
2017 IMO Shortlist G3 (UKR)
 Let O be the circumcenter of an acute scalene triangle ABC. Line OA intersects the altitudes of ABC through B and C at P and Q, respectively. The altitudes meet at H. Prove that the circumcenter of triangle PQH lies on a median of triangle ABC.

2017 IMO Shortlist G4 (DEN)
In triangle ABC, let \omega be the excircle opposite A. Let D, E, and F be the points where \omega is tangent to lines BC, CA, and AB, respectively. The circle AEF intersects line BC at P and Q. Let M be the midpoint of AD. Prove that the circle MPQ is tangent to \omega.

2017 IMO Shortlist G5 (UKR)
 Let  ABCC_1B_1A_1 be a convex hexagon such that AB = BC, and suppose that the line segments AA_1, BB_1, and CC_1 have the same perpendicular bisector. Let the diagonals AC_1 and A_1C meet at D, and denote by \omega the circle ABC. Let \omega intersect the circle A_1BC_1 again at E \ne  B. Prove that the lines BB_1 and DE intersect on \omega.

2017 IMO Shortlist G6 (CZE)
Let n \ge 3 be an integer. Two regular n-gons A and B are given in the plane. Prove that the vertices of A that lie inside B or on its boundary are consecutive.
(That is, prove that there exists a line separating those vertices of A that lie inside B or on its boundary from the other vertices of A.)

2017 IMO Shortlist G7 (KZA)
A convex quadrilateral ABCD has an inscribed circle with center I. Let I_a, I_b, I_c, and I_d be the incenters of the triangles DAB, ABC, BCD, and CDA, respectively. Suppose that the common external tangents of the circles AI_bI_d and CI_bI_d meet at X, and the common external tangents of the circles BI_aI_c and DI_aI_c meet at Y . Prove that \angle XIY = 90^o.

2017 IMO Shortlist G8 (AUS)
There are 2017 mutually external circles drawn on a blackboard, such that no two are tangent and no three share a common tangent. A tangent segment is a line segment that is a vommon tangent to two circles, starting at one tangent point and ending at the other one. Luciano is drawing tangent segments on the blackboard, one at a time, so that no tangent segment intersects any other circles or previously drawn tangent segments. Luciano keeps drawing tangent segments until no more can be drawn. Find all possible numbers of tangent segments when he stops drawing.

2018 IMO Shortlist G1 (HEL) problem 1
Let \Gamma be the circumcircle of acute triangle ABC. Points D and E are on segments AB and AC respectively such that AD = AE. The perpendicular bisectors of BD and CE intersect minor arcs AB and AC of \Gamma at points F and G respectively. Prove that lines DE and FG are either parallel or they are the same line.

by Silouanos Brazitikos, Vangelis Psyxas & Michael Sarantis

2018 IMO Shortlist G2 (AUSTRALIA)
Let ABC be a triangle with AB=AC, and let M be the midpoint of BC. Let P be a point such that PB<PC and PA is parallel to BC. Let X and Y be points on the lines PB and PC, respectively, so that B lies on the segment PX, C lies on the segment PY, and \angle PXM=\angle PYM. Prove that the quarilateral APXY is cyclic.

2018 IMO Shortlist G3 (SAF)
A circle \omega with radius 1 is given. A collection T of triangles is called [i]good[/i], if the following conditions hold:
* each triangle from T is inscribed in \omega;
*  no two triangles from T have a common interior point.
Determine all positive real numbers t such that, for each positive integer n, there exists a good collection of n triangles, each of perimeter greater than t.

2018 IMO Shortlist G4 (MON)
A point T is chosen inside a triangle ABC. Let A_1, B_1, C_1 be the reflections of T in BC, CA, and AB, respectively. Let \Omega be the circumcircle of \triangle A_1B_1C_1. The lines A_1T, B_1T, C_1T meet \Omega again at A_2, B_2, C_2, respectively. Prove that lines AA_2, BB_2, CC_2 meet on \Omega.

2018 IMO Shortlist G5 (DEN)
Let ABC be a triangle with circumcircle \omega and incentre I. A line \ell intersects the lines AI, BI, and CI at points D, E, and F, respectively, distinct from the points A, B, C, and I. The perpendicular bisectors x, y, and z of the segments AD, BE, and CF, respectively determine a triangle \Theta. Show that the circumcircle of the triangle \Theta is tangent to \Omega.

2018 IMO Shortlist G6 (POL) problem 6
A convex quadrilateral ABCD satisfies AB\cdot CD = BC\cdot DA. Point X lies inside ABCD so that \angle{XAB} = \angle{XCD}\quad\,\,\text{and}\quad\,\,\angle{XBC} = \angle{XDA}. Prove that \angle{BXA} + \angle{DXC} = 180^\circ

2018 IMO Shortlist G7 (RUS)
Let O be the circumcentre, and \Omega be the circumcircle of an acute-angled triangle ABC. Let P be an arbitrary point on \Omega, distinct from A, B, C, and their antipodes in \Omega. Denote the circumcentres of the triangles AOP, BOP, and COP by O_A, O_B, and O_C, respectively. The lines \ell_A, \ell_B, \ell_C perpendicular to BC, CA, and AB pass through O_A, O_B, and O_C, respectively. Prove that the circumcircle of triangle formed by \ell_A, \ell_B, and \ell_C is tangent to the line OP.

Let ABC be a triangle. Circle \Gamma passes through A, meets segments AB and AC again at points D and E respectively, and intersects segment BC at F and G such that F lies between B and G. The tangent to circle BDF at F and the tangent to circle CEG at G meet at point T. Suppose that points A and T are distinct. Prove that line AT is parallel to BC.

Let ABC be an acute-angled triangle and let D, E, and F be the feet of altitudes from A, B, and C to sides BC, CA, and AB, respectively. Denote by \omega_B and \omega_C the incircles of triangles BDF and CDE, and let these circles be tangent to segments DF and DE at M and N, respectively. Let line MN meet circles \omega_B and \omega_C again at P \ne M and Q \ne N, respectively. Prove that MP = NQ.

2019 IMO Shortlist G3 (UKR) problem 2
In triangle ABC, point A_1 lies on side BC and point B_1 lies on side AC. Let P and Q be points on segments AA_1 and BB_1, respectively, such that PQ is parallel to AB. Let P_1 be a point on line PB_1, such that B_1 lies strictly between P and P_1, and \angle PP_1C=\angle BAC. Similarly, let Q_1 be the point on line QA_1, such that A_1 lies strictly between Q and Q_1, and \angle CQ_1Q=\angle CBA. Prove that points P,Q,P_1, and Q_1 are concyclic.
by Anton Trygub
Let P be a point inside triangle ABC. Let AP meet BC at A_1, let BP meet CA at B_1, and let CP meet AB at C_1. Let A_2 be the point such that A_1 is the midpoint of PA_2, let B_2 be the point such that B_1 is the midpoint of PB_2, and let C_2 be the point such that C_1 is the midpoint of PC_2. Prove that points A_2, B_2, and C_2 cannot all lie strictly inside the circumcircle of triangle ABC.

Let ABCDE be a convex pentagon with CD= DE and \angle EDC \ne 2 \cdot \angle ADB
Suppose that a point P is located in the interior of the pentagon such that AP =AE and BP= BC
Prove that P lies on the diagonal CE if and only if area (BCD) + area (ADE) = area (ABD) + area (ABP).

Let I be the incentre of acute-angled triangle ABC. Let the incircle meet BC, CA, and AB at D, E, and F, respectively. Let line EF intersect the circumcircle of the triangle at P and Q, such that F lies between E and P. Prove that \angle DPA + \angle AQD =\angle QIP.

2019 IMO Shortlist G7 (IND) problem 6
Let I be the incentre of acute triangle ABC with AB\neq AC. The incircle \omega of ABC is tangent to sides BC, CA, and AB at D, E, and F, respectively. The line through D perpendicular to EF meets \omega at R. Line AR meets \omega again at P. The circumcircles of triangle PCE and PBF meet again at Q. Prove that lines DI and PQ meet on the line through A perpendicular to AI

by Anant Mudgal
Let \mathcal L be the set of all lines in the plane and let f be a function that assigns to each line \ell\in\mathcal L a point f(\ell) on f(\ell). Suppose that for any point X, and for any three lines \ell_1,\ell_2,\ell_3 passing through X, the points f(\ell_1),f(\ell_2),f(\ell_3), and X lie on a circle. Prove that there is a unique point P such that f(\ell)=P for any line \ell passing through P.

Let ABC be an isosceles triangle with BC=CA, and let D be a point inside side AB such that AD< DB. Let P and Q be two points inside sides BC and CA, respectively, such that \angle DPB = \angle DQA = 90^{\circ}. Let the perpendicular bisector of PQ meet line segment CQ at E, and let the circumcircles of triangles ABC and CPQ meet again at point F, different from C. Suppose that P, E, F are collinear. Prove that \angle ACB = 90^{\circ}.

2020 IMO Shortlist G2 problem 1 (Poland)
Consider the convex quadrilateral ABCD. The point P is in the interior of ABCD. The following ratio equalities hold:
\angle PAD:\angle PBA:\angle DPA=1:2:3=\angle CBP:\angle BAP:\angle BPC
Prove that the following three lines meet in a point: the internal bisectors of angles \angle ADP and \angle PCB and the perpendicular bisector of segment AB.
by Dominik Burek 
Let ABCD be a convex quadrilateral with \angle ABC>90, CDA>90 and \angle DAB=\angle BCD. Denote by E and F the reflections of A in lines BC and CD, respectively. Suppose that the segments AE and AF meet the line BD at K and L, respectively. Prove that the circumcircles of triangles BEK and DFL are tangent to each other.

In the plane, there are n \geqslant 6 pairwise disjoint disks D_{1}, D_{2}, \ldots, D_{n} with radii R_{1} \geqslant R_{2} \geqslant \ldots \geqslant R_{n}. For every i=1,2, \ldots, n, a point P_{i} is chosen in disk D_{i}. Let O be an arbitrary point in the plane. Prove thatO P_{1}+O P_{2}+\ldots+O P_{n} \geqslant R_{6}+R_{7}+\ldots+R_{n}. (A disk is assumed to contain its boundary.)

Let ABCD be a cyclic quadrilateral. Points K, L, M, N are chosen on AB, BC, CD, DA such that KLMN is a rhombus with KL \parallel AC and LM \parallel BD. Let \omega_A, \omega_B, \omega_C, \omega_D be the incircles of \triangle ANK, \triangle BKL, \triangle CLM, \triangle DMN.
Prove that the common internal tangents to \omega_A, and \omega_C and the common internal tangents to \omega_B and \omega_D are concurrent.

Let ABC be a triangle with AB < AC, incenter I, and A excenter I_{A}. The incircle meets BC at D. Define E = AD\cap BI_{A}, F = AD\cap CI_{A}. Show that the circumcircle of \triangle AID and \triangle I_{A}EF are tangent to each other

Let P be a point on the circumcircle of acute triangle ABC. Let D,E,F be the reflections of P in the A-midline, B-midline, and C-midline. Let \omega be the circumcircle of the triangle formed by the perpendicular bisectors of AD, BE, CF. Show that the circumcircles of \triangle ADP, \triangle BEP, \triangle CFP, and \omega share a common point.

Let ABC be a triangle with incenter I and circumcircle \Gamma. Circles \omega_{B} passing through B and \omega_{C} passing through C are tangent at I. Let \omega_{B} meet minor arc AB of \Gamma at P and AB at M\neq B, and let \omega_{C} meet minor arc AC of \Gamma at Q and AC at N\neq C. Rays PM and QN meet at X. Let Y be a point such that YB is tangent to \omega_{B} and YC is tangent to \omega_{C}.
Show that A,X,Y are collinear.

Prove that there exists a positive constant c such that the following statement is true:
Consider an integer n > 1, and a set \mathcal S of n points in the plane such that the distance between any two different points in \mathcal S is at least 1. It follows that there is a line \ell separating \mathcal S such that the distance from any point of \mathcal S to \ell is at least cn^{-1/3}.

(A line \ell separates a set of points S if some segment joining two points in \mathcal S crosses \ell.)

Note. Weaker results with cn^{-1/3} replaced by cn^{-\alpha} may be awarded points depending on the value of the constant \alpha > 1/3.

Ting-Feng Lin and Hung-Hsun Hans Yu, Taiwan
Let D be an interior point of the acute triangle ABC with AB > AC so that \angle DAB = \angle CAD. The point E on the segment AC satisfies \angle ADE =\angle BCD, the point F on the segment AB satisfies \angle FDA =\angle DBC, and the point X on the line AC satisfies CX = BX. Let O_1 and O_2 be the circumcenters of the triangles ADC and EXD, respectively. Prove that the lines BC, EF, and O_1O_2 are concurrent.
Mykhailo Shtandenko, Ukraine
Let \Gamma be a circle with centre I, and A B C D a convex quadrilateral such that each of the segments A B, B C, C D and D A is tangent to \Gamma. Let \Omega be the circumcircle of the triangle A I C. The extension of B A beyond A meets \Omega at X, and the extension of B C beyond C meets \Omega at Z. The extensions of A D and C D beyond D meet \Omega at Y and T, respectively. Prove thatA D+D T+T X+X A=C D+D Y+Y Z+Z C.

Dominik Burek, Poland and Tomasz Ciesla, Poland

The IMO Compendium A Collection of Problems Suggested for The International Mathematical-Olympiads 1959-2009, 2nd Edition

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