Here are posted all 16 rounds of Vietnamese Geometry Contest, Mathley from 2011 - 2012 in English with aops links (16x4=64 problems) . Below are the geometry problems from problem solving column of Mathley 2014-15 (16 more problems)
About Geometry Mathley Contest:
This monthly geometry contest is open to people of all ages with the same interest in plane geometry and motivation to hone their problem-solving skill in geometry. You can submit solutions and propose new problems as well.
Let ABCDEF be a hexagon having all interior angles equal to 120^o each. Let P,Q,R, S, T, V be the midpoints of the sides of the hexagon ABCDEF. Prove the inequalityp(PQRSTV ) \ge \frac{\sqrt3}{2} p(ABCDEF), where p(.) denotes the perimeter of the polygon.
Let ABC be an acute triangle with its altitudes BE,CF. M is the midpoint of BC. N is the intersection of AM and EF. X is the projection of N on BC. Y,Z are respectively the projections of X onto AB,AC. Prove that N is the orthocenter of triangle AYZ.
Let ABC be an acute triangle with incenter O, orthocenter H, altitude AD. AO meets BC at E. Line through D parallel to OH meet AB,AC at M,N, respectively. Let I be the midpoint of AE, and DI intersect AB,AC at P,Q respectively. MQ meets NP at T. Prove that D,O, T are collinear.
Given are three circles (O_1), (O_2), (O_3), pairwise intersecting each other, that is, every single circle meets the other two circles at two distinct points. Let (X_1) be the circle externally tangent to (O_1) and internally tangent to the circles (O_2), (O_3), circles (X_2), (X_3) are defined in the same manner. Let (Y_1) be the circle internally tangent to (O_1) and externally tangent to the circles (O_2), (O_3), the circles (Y_2), (Y_3) are defined in the same way. Let (Z_1), (Z_2) be two circles internally tangent to all three circles (O_1), (O_2), (O_3). Prove that the four lines X_1Y_1, X_2Y_2, X_3Y_3, Z_1Z_2 are concurrent.
Let ABC be an equilateral triangle with circumcircle of center O and radius R. Point M is exterior to the triangle such that S_bS_c = S_aS_b+S_aS_c, where S_a, S_b, S_c are the areas of triangles MBC,MCA,MAB respectively. Prove that OM \ge R.
Let ABC be a scalene triangle. A circle (O) passes through B,C, intersecting the line segments BA,CA at F,E respectively. The circumcircle of triangle ABE meets the line CF at two points M,N such that M is between C and F. The circumcircle of triangle ACF meets the line BE at two points P,Q such that P is betweeen B and E. The line through N perpendicular to AN meets BE at R, the line through Q perpendicular to AQ meets CF at S. Let U be the intersection of SP and NR, V be the intersection of RM and QS. Prove that three lines NQ,UV and RS are concurrent.
Let ABC be a triagle inscribed in a circle (O). A variable line through the orthocenter H of the triangle meets the circle (O) at two points P , Q. Two lines through P, Q that are perpendicular to AP , AQ respectively meet BC at M, N respectively. Prove that the line through P perpendicular to OM and the line through Q perpendicular to ON meet each other at a point on the circle (O).
Let ABC be a triangle inscribed in a circle of radius O. The angle bisectors AD,BE,CF are concurrent at I. The points M,N, P are respectively on EF, FD, and DE such that IM, IN, IP are perpendicular to BC,CA,AB respectively. Prove that the three lines AM,BN, CP are concurrent at a point on OI.
AB,AC are tangent to a circle (O), B,C are the points of tangency. Q is a point iside the angle BAC, on the ray AQ, take a point P suc that OP is perpendicular to AQ. The line OP meets the circumcircles triangles BPQ and CPQ at I, J. Prove that OI = OJ.
Given a triangle ABC, a line \delta and a constant k, distinct from 0 and 1,M a variable point on the line \delta. Points E, F are on MB,MC respectively such that \frac{\overline{ME}}{\overline{MB}} = \frac{\overline{MF}}{\overline{MC}} = k. Points P,Q are on AB,AC such that PE, QF are perpendicular to \delta. Prove that the line through M perpendicular to PQ has a fixed point.
A triangle ABC is inscribed in circle (O). P1, P2 are two points in the plane of the triangle. P_1A, P_1B, P_1C meet (O) again at A_1,B_1,C_1 . P_2A, P_2B, P_2C meet (O) again at A_2,B_2,C_2.
a) A_1A_2, B_1B_2, C_1C_2 intersect BC,CA,AB at A_3,B_3,C_3. Prove that three points A_3,B_3,C_3 are collinear.
b) P is a point on the line P_1P_2. A_1P,B_1P,C_1P meet (O) again at A_4,B_4,C_4. Prove that three lines A_2A_4,B_2B_4,C_2C_4 are concurrent.
A triangle ABC is inscribed in the circle (O,R). A circle (O',R') is internally tangent to (O) at I such that R < R'. P is a point on the circle (O). Rays PA, PB, PC meet (O') at A_1,B_1,C_1. Let A_2B_2C_2 be the triangle formed by the intersections of the line symmetric to B_1C_1 about BC, the line symmetric to C_1A_1 about CA and the line symmetric to A_1B_1 about AB. Prove that the circumcircle of A_2B_2C_2 is tangent to (O).
Five points K_i, i = 1, 2, 3, 4 and P are chosen arbitrarily on the same circle. Denote by P(i, j) the distance from P to the line passing through K_i and K_j . Prove thatP(1, 2)P(3, 4) = P(1, 4)P(2, 3) = P(1, 3)P(2, 4)
Let ABC be a triangle. (K) is an arbitrary circle tangent to the lines AC,AB at E, F respectively. (K) cuts BC at M,N such that N lies between B and M. FM intersects EN at I. The circumcircles of triangles IFN and IEM meet each other at J distinct from I. Prove that IJ passes through A and KJ is perpendicular to IJ.
Let ABC be a triangle not being isosceles at A. Let (O) and (I) denote the circumcircle and incircle of the triangle. (I) touches AC and AB at E, F respectively. Points M and N are on the circle (I) such that EM \parallel FN \parallel BC. Let P,Q be the intersections of BM,CN and (I). Prove that
i) BC,EP, FQ are concurrent, and denote by K the point of concurrency.
ii) the circumcircles of triangle BPK, CQK are all tangent to (I) and all pass through a common point on the circle (O).
et ABC be a triangle with E being the centre of its Euler circle. Through E, construct the lines PS, MQ, NR parallel to BC,CA,AB (R,Q are on the line BC, N, P on the line AC,M, S on the line AB). Prove that the four Euler lines of triangles ABC,AMN,BSR,CPQ are concurrent.
Let a, b be two lines intersecting each other at O. Point M is not on either a or b. A variable circle (C) passes through O,M intersecting a, b at A,B respectively, distinct from O. Prove that the midpoint of AB is on a fixed line.
Let ABCD be a rectangle and U, V two points of its circumcircle. Lines AU,CV intersect at P and lines BU,DV intersect at Q, distinct from P. Prove that\frac{1}{PQ^2} \ge \frac{1}{UV^2} - \frac{1}{AC^2}
Let ABC be an acute triangle, not being isoceles. Let \ell_a be the line passing through the points of tangency of the escribed circles in the angle A with the lines AB, AC produced. Let d_a be the line through A parallel to the line that joins the incenter I of the triangle ABC and the midpoint of BC. Lines \ell_b, d_b, \ell_c, d_c are defined in the same manner. Three lines \ell_a, \ell_b, \ell_c intersect each other and these intersections make a triangle called MNP. Prove that the lines d_a, d_b and d_c are concurrent and their point of concurrency lies on the Euler line of the triangle MNP.
Let ABC be a triangle inscribed in a circle (O). Let P be an arbitrary point in the plane of triangle ABC. Points A',B',C' are the reflections of P about the lines BC,CA,AB respectively. X is the intersection, distinct from A, of the circle with diameter AP and the circumcircle of triangle AB'C'. Points Y,Z are defined in the same way. Prove that five circles (O), (AB'C'), (BC'A'), (CA'B'), (XY Z) have a point in common.
Show that the circumradius R of a triangle ABC equals the arithmetic mean of the oriented distances from its incenter I and three excenters I_a,I_b, I_c to any tangent \tau to its circumcircle. In other words, if \delta(P) denotes the distance from a point P to \tau, then with appropriate choices of signs, we have \delta(I) \pm \delta_(I_a) \pm \delta_(I_b) \pm \delta_(I_c) = 4R
Let ABC be an acute triangle, and its altitudes AX,BY,CZ concurrent at H. Construct circles (K_a), (K_b), (K_c) circumscribing the triangles AY Z, BZX, CXY . Construct a circle (K) that is internally tangent to all the three circles (Ka), (K_b), (K_c). Prove that (K) is tangent to the circumcircle (O) of the triangle ABC.
Let AB be an arbitrary chord of the circle (O). Two circles (X) and (Y ) are on the same side of the chord AB such that they are both internally tangent to (O) and they are tangent to AB at C,D respectively, C is between A and D. Let H be the intersection of XY and AB, M the midpoint of arc AB not containing X and Y . Let HM meet (O) again at I. Let IX, IY intersect AB again at K, J. Prove that the circumcircle of triangle IKJ is tangent to (O).
Let P be an arbitrary variable point in the plane of a triangle ABC. A_1 is the projection of P onto BC, A_2 is the midpoint of line segment PA_1, A_2P meets BC at A_3, A_4 is the reflection of P about A_3. Prove that PA_4 has a fixed point.
Let ABCD be a cyclic quadrilateral. Suppose that E is the intersection of AB and CD, F is the intersection of AD and CB, I is the intersection of AC and BD. The circumcircles (FAB), (FCD) meet FI at K, L. Prove that EK = EL
A non-equilateral triangle ABC is inscribed in a circle \Gamma with centre O, radius R and its incircle has centre I and touches BC,CA,AB at D,E, F, respectively. A circle with centre I and radius r intersects the rays [ID), [IE), [IF) at A',B',C'. Show that the orthocentre K of \vartriangle A'B'C' is on the line OI and that \frac{IK}{IO}=\frac{r}{R}
Let ABCD be a tangential quadrilateral. Let AB meet CD at E, AD intersect BC at F. Two arbitrary lines through E meet AD,BC at M,N, P,Q respectively (M,N \in AD, P,Q \in BC). Another arbitrary pair of lines through F intersect AB,CD at X, Y,Z, T respectively (X, Y \in AB,Z, T \in CD). Suppose that d_1, d_2 are the second tangents from E to the incircles of triangles FXY, FZT,d_3, d_4 are the second tangents from F to the incircles of triangles EMN,EPQ. Prove that the four lines d_1, d_2, d_3, d_4 meet each other at four points and these intersections make a tangential quadrilateral.
Let ABCD be a quadrilateral inscribed in the circle (O). Let (K) be an arbitrary circle passing through B,C. Circle (O_1) tangent to AB,AC and is internally tangent to (K). Circle (O_2) touches DB,DC and is internally tangent to (K). Prove that one of the two external common tangents of (O_1) and (O_2) is parallel to AD.
Let ABC be a triangle and ABDE, BCFZ, CAKL be three similar rectangles constructed externally of the triangle. Let A' be the intersection of EF and ZK, B' the intersection of KZ and DL, and C' the intersection of DL and EF. Prove that AA' passes through the midpoint of the line segment B'C'.
Let ABC be a triangle, d a line passing through A and parallel to BC. A point M distinct from A is chosen on d. I is the incenter of triangle ABC, K,L are the the points of symmetry of M about IB, IC. Let BK meet CL at N. Prove that AN is tangent to circumcircle of triangle ABC.
Let ABC be a scalene triangle, (O) and H be the circumcircle and its orthocenter. A line through A is parallel to OH meets (O) at K. A line through K is parallel to AH, intersecting (O) again at L. A line through L parallel to OA meets OH at E. Prove that B,C,O,E are on the same circle.
Let ABC a triangle inscribed in a circle (O) with orthocenter H. Two lines d_1 and d_2 are mutually perpendicular at H. Let d_1 meet BC,CA,AB at X_1, Y_1,Z_1 respectively. Let A_1B_1C_1 be a triangle formed by the line through X_1 perpendicular to BC, the line through Y_1 perpendicular to CA, the line through Z_1 perpendicular perpendicular to AB. Triangle A_2B_2C_2 is defined in the same manner. Prove that the circumcircles of triangles A_1B_1C_1 and A_2B_2C_2 touch each other at a point on (O).
Let ABC be a triangle with (O), (I) being the circumcircle, and incircle respectively. Let (I) touch BC,CA, and AB at A_0, B_0, C_0 let BC,CA, and AB intersect B_0C_0, C_0A_0, A_0Bv at A_1, B_1, and C_1 respectively. Prove that OI passes through the orthocenter of four triangles A_0B_0C_0, A_0B_1C_1, B_0C_1A_1,C_0A_1B_1.
Let ABDE, BCFZ and CAKL be three arbitrary rectangles constructed outside a triangle ABC. Let EF meet ZK at M, and N be the intersection of the lines through F,Z perpendicular to FL,ZD. Prove that A,M,N are collinear.
Let ABCD be a quadrilateral inscribed in a circle (O). Let (O_1), (O_2), (O_3), (O_4) be the circles going through (A,B), (B,C),(C,D),(D,A). Let X, Y,Z, T be the second intersection of the pairs of the circles: (O_1) and (O_2), (O_2) and (O_3), (O_3) and (O_4), (O_4) and (O_1).
(a) Prove that X, Y,Z, T are on the same circle of radius I.
(b) Prove that the midpoints of the line segments O_1O_3,O_2O_4,OI are collinear.
Let ABC be a triangle inscribed in a circle (O), and M be some point on the perpendicular bisector of BC. Let I_1, I_2 be the incenters of triangles MAB,MAC. Prove that the incenters of triangles A_II_1I_2 are on a fixed line when M varies on the perpendicular bisector.
Let ABC be a triangle with two angles B,C not having the same measure, I be its incircle, (O) its circumcircle. Circle (O_b) touches BA,BC and is internally tangent to (O) at B_1. Circle (O_c) touches CA,CB and is internally tangent to (O) at C_1. Let S be the intersection of BC and B_1C_1. Prove that \angle AIS = 90^o.
Let ABC be an acute triangle, not isoceles triangle and (O), (I) be its circumcircle and incircle respectively. Let A_1 be the the intersection of the radical axis of (O), (I) and the line BC. Let A_2 be the point of tangency (not on BC) of the tangent from A_1 to (I). Points B_1,B_2,C_1,C_2 are defined in the same manner. Prove that
(a) the lines AA_2,BB_2,CC_2 are concurrent.
(b) the radical centers circles through triangles BCA_2, CAB_2 and ABC_2 are all on the line OI.
Let ABC be a triangle inscribed in a circle (O). d is the tangent at A of (O), P is an arbitrary point in the plane. D,E, F are the projections of P on BC,CA,AB. Let DE,DF intersect the line d at M,N respectively. The circumcircle of triangle DEF meets CA,AB at K,L distinct from E, F. Prove that KN meets LM at a point on the circumcircle of triangle DEF.
Let A_1A_2A_3...A_n be a bicentric polygon with n sides. Denote by I_i the incenter of triangle A_{i-1}A_iA_{i+1}, A_{i(i+1)} the intersection of A_iA_{i+2} and A_{i-1}A_{i+1},I_{i(i+1)} is the incenter of triangle A_iA_{i(i+1)}A_{i+1} (i = 1, n). Prove that there exist 2n points I_1, I_2, ..., I_n, I_{12}, I_{23}, ...., I_{n1} on the same circle.
Let ABCDEF be a hexagon with sides AB,CD,EF being equal to m units, sides BC,DE, FA being equal to n units. The diagonals AD,BE,CF have lengths x, y, and z units. Prove the inequality\frac{1}{xy}+\frac{1}{yz}+\frac{1}{zx} \ge \frac{3}{(m+ n)^2}
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 11.2
Let ABC be a triangle inscribed in the circle (O). Tangents at B,C of the circles (O) meet at T . Let M,N be the points on the rays BT,CT respectively such that BM = BC = CN. The line through M and N intersects CA,AB at E, F respectively; BE meets CT at P, CF intersects BT at Q. Prove that AP = AQ.
Let ABC be a triangle such that AB = AC and let M be a point interior to the triangle. If BM meets AC at D. show that \frac{DM}{DA}=\frac{AM}{AB} if and only if \angle AMB = 2\angle ABC.
Let ABC be a triangle and P be a point in the plane of the triangle. The lines AP,BP, CP meets BC,CA,AB at A_1,B_1,C_1, respectively. Let A_2,B_2,C_2 be the Miquel point of the complete quadrilaterals AB_1PC_1BC, BC_1PA_1CA, CA_1PB_1AB. Prove that the circumcircles of the triangles APA_2,BPB_2, CPC_2, BA_2C, AB_2C, AC_2B have a point of concurrency.
Let ABC be an acute triangle with orthocenter H, and P a point interior to the triangle. Points D,E,F are the reflections of P about BC,CA,AB. If Q is the intersection of HD and EF, prove that the ratio HQ/HD is independent of the choice of P.
Let K be the midpoint of a fixed line segment AB, two circles (O) and (O') with variable radius each such that the straight line OO' is throughK and K is inside (O), the two circles meet at A and C, center O' is on the circumference of (O) and O is interior to (O'). Assume that M is the midpoint of AC, H the projection of C onto the perpendicular bisector of segment AB. Let I be a variable point on the arc AC of circle (O') that is inside (O), I is not on the line OO' . Let J be the reflection of I about O. The tangent of (O') at I meets AC at N. Circle (O'JN) meets IJ at P, distinct from J, circle (OMP) intersects MI at Q distinct from M. Prove that
(a) the intersection of PQ and O'I is on the circumference of (O).
(b) there exist a location of I such that the line segment AI meets (O) at R and the straight line BI meets (O') at S, then the lines AS and KR meets at a point on the circumference of (O).
(c) the intersection G of lines KC and HB moves on a fixed line.
Points E,F are chosen on the sides CA,AB of triangle ABC. Let (K) be the circumcircle of triangle AEF. The tangents at E, F of (K) intersect at T . Prove that
(a) T is on BC if and only if BE meets CF at a point on the circle (K),
(b) EF, PQ,BC are concurrent given that BE meets FT at M, CF meets ET at N, AM and AN intersects (K) at P,Q distinct from A.
Quadrilateral ABCD has two diagonals AC,BD that are mutually perpendicular. Let M be the Miquel point of the complete quadrilateral formed by lines AB,BC,CD,DA. Suppose that L is the intersection of two circles (MAC) and (MBD). Prove that the circumcenters of triangles LAB,LBC,LCD,LDA are on the same circle called \omega and that three circles (MAC), (MBD), \omega are pairwise orthogonal.
Let ABC be a triangle with no right angle, E on the line BC such that \angle AEB = \angle BAC and \Delta_A the perpendicular to BC at E. Let the circle \gamma with diameter BC intersect BA again at D. For each point M on \gamma (M is distinct from B), the line BM meets \Delta_A at M' and the line AM meets \gamma again at M''.
(a) Show that p(A) = AM' \times DM'' is independent of the chosen M.
(b) Keeping B,C fixed, and let A vary. Show that \frac{p(A)}{d(A,\Delta_A)} is independent of A.
In a triangle ABC, the nine-point circle (N) is tangent to the incircle (I) and three excircles (I_a), (I_b), (I_c) at the Feuerbach points F, F_a, F_b, F_c. Tangents of (N) at F, F_a, F_b, F_c bound a quadrangle PQRS. Show that the Euler line of ABC is a Newton line of PQRS.
Let ABCD be a quadrilateral inscribed in circle (O). Let M,N be the midpoints of AD,BC. A line through the intersection P of the two diagonals AC,BD meets AD,BC at S, T respectively. Let BS meet AT at Q. Prove that three lines AD,BC,PQ are concurrent if and only if M, S, T,N are on the same circle.
Let P be an arbitrary point in the plane of triangle ABC. Lines PA, PB, PC meets the perpendicular bisectors of BC,CA,AB at O_a,O_b,O_c respectively. Let (O_a) be the circle with center O_a passing through two points B,C, two circles (O_b), (O_c) are defined in the same manner. Two circles (O_b), (O_c) meets at A_1, distinct from A. Points B_1,C_1 are defined in the same manner. Let Q be an arbitrary point in the plane of ABC and QB,QC meets (O_c) and (O_b) at A_2,A_3 distinct from B,C. Similarly, we have points B_2,B_3,C_2,C_3. Let (K_a), (K_b), (K_c) be the circumcircles of triangles A_1A_2A_3, B_1B_2B_3, C_1C_2C_3. Prove that
(a) three circles (K_a), (K_b), (K_c) have a common point.
(b) two triangles K_aK_bK_c, ABC are similar.
A circle (K) is through the vertices B, C of the triangle ABC and intersects its sides CA, AB respectively at E, F distinct from C, B. Line segment BE meets CF at G. Let M, N be the symmetric points of A about F, E respectively. Let P, Q be the reflections of C, B about AG. Prove that the circumcircles of triangles BPM , CQN have radii of the same length.
The nine-point Euler circle of triangle ABC is tangent to the excircles in the angle A,B,C at Fa, Fb, Fc respectively. Prove that AF_a bisects the angle \angle CAB if and only if AFa bisects the angle \angle F_bAF_c.
Let ABC be a triangle inscribed in circle (I) that is tangent to the sides BC,CA,AB at points D,E, F respectively. Assume that L is the intersection of BE and CF,G is the centroid of triangle DEF,K is the symmetric point of L about G. If DK meets EF at P, Q is on EF such that QF = PE, prove that \angle DGE + \angle FGQ = 180^o.
Two triangles ABC and PQR have the same circumcircles. Let E_a, E_b, E_c be the centers of the Euler circles of triangles PBC, QCA, RAB. Assume that d_a is a line through Ea parallel to AP, d_b, d_c are defined in the same manner. Prove that three lines d_a, d_b, d_c are concurrent.
Let ABC be a non-isosceles triangle. The incircle (I) of the triangle touches sides BC,CA,AB at A_0,B_0, and C_0. Points A_1,B_1, and C_1 are on BC,CA,AB such that BA1 = CA_0, CB_1 = AB_0, AC_1 = BC_0. Prove that the circumcircles (IAA1), (IBB_1), (ICC_1) pass all through a common point, distinct from I.
Let O be the centre of the circumcircle of triangle ABC. Point D is on the side BC. Let (K) be the circumcircle of ABD. (K) meets AO at E that is distinct from A.
(a) Prove that B,K,O,E are on the same circle that is called (L).
(b) (L) intersects AB at F distinct B. Point G is on (L) such that EG \parallel OF. GK meets AD at S, SO meets BC at T . Prove that O,E, T,C are on the same circle.
Triangle ABC has circumcircle (O,R), and orthocenter H. The symmedians through A,B,C meet the perpendicular bisectors of BC,CA,AB at D,E, F respectively. Let M,N, P be the perpendicular projections of H on the line OD,OE,OF. Prove that\frac{OH^2}{R^2} =\frac{\overline{OM}}{\overline{OD}}+\frac{\overline{ON}}{\overline{OE}} +\frac{\overline{OP}}{\overline{OF}}
Let ABC be a fixed triangle. Point D is an arbitrary point on the side BC. Point P is fixed on AD. The circumcircle of triangle BPD meets AB at E distinct from B. Point Q varies on AP. Let BQ and CQ meet the circumcircles of triangles BPD, CPD respectively at F,Z distinct from B,C. Prove that the circumcircle EFZ is through a fixed point distinct from E and this fixed point is on the circumcircle of triangle CPD.
Let ABCD be a cyclic quadrilateral with two diagonals intersect at E. Let M, N, P, Q be the reflections of E in midpoints of AB, BC, CD, DA respectively. Prove that the Euler lines of \triangle MAB, \triangle NBC, \triangle PCD, \triangle QDA are concurrent.
Let ABCD be a quadrilateral and P a point in the plane of the quadrilateral. Let M,N be on the sides AC,BD respectively such that PM \parallel BC, PN \parallel AD. AC meets BD at E. Prove that the orthocenter of triangles EBC, EAD, EMN are collinear if and only if P is on the line AB.
The incircle (I) of a triangle ABC touches BC,CA,AB at D,E, F. Let ID, IE, IF intersect EF, FD,DE at X,Y,Z, respectively. The lines \ell_a, \ell_b, \ell_c through A,B,C respectively and are perpendicular to YZ,ZX,XY .
Prove that \ell_a, \ell_b, \ell_c are concurrent at a point that is on the line segment joining I and the centroid of triangle ABC .
A triangle ABC is inscribed in the circle (O), and has incircle (I). The circles with diameter IA meets (O) at A_1 distinct from A. Points B_1,C_1 are defined in the same manner. Line B_1C_1 meets BC at A_2, and points B_2,C_2 are defined in the same manner. Prove that O is the orthocenter of triangle A_2B_2C_2.
About Geometry Mathley Contest:
This monthly geometry contest is open to people of all ages with the same interest in plane geometry and motivation to hone their problem-solving skill in geometry. You can submit solutions and propose new problems as well.
collected in as Geometry Mathley 2011-12 here
all posted in the Geometry Mathley Forum
also Mathley 2014-15
all posted in the Geometry Mathley Forum
also Mathley 2014-15
Geometry Mathley 2011 - 2012
(16x4-problem sets / rounds)
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 1.1(16x4-problem sets / rounds)
Let ABCDEF be a hexagon having all interior angles equal to 120^o each. Let P,Q,R, S, T, V be the midpoints of the sides of the hexagon ABCDEF. Prove the inequalityp(PQRSTV ) \ge \frac{\sqrt3}{2} p(ABCDEF), where p(.) denotes the perimeter of the polygon.
Nguyễn Tiến Lâm
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 1.2Let ABC be an acute triangle with its altitudes BE,CF. M is the midpoint of BC. N is the intersection of AM and EF. X is the projection of N on BC. Y,Z are respectively the projections of X onto AB,AC. Prove that N is the orthocenter of triangle AYZ.
Nguyễn Minh Hà
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 1.3Let ABC be an acute triangle with incenter O, orthocenter H, altitude AD. AO meets BC at E. Line through D parallel to OH meet AB,AC at M,N, respectively. Let I be the midpoint of AE, and DI intersect AB,AC at P,Q respectively. MQ meets NP at T. Prove that D,O, T are collinear.
Trần Quang Hùng
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 1.4Given are three circles (O_1), (O_2), (O_3), pairwise intersecting each other, that is, every single circle meets the other two circles at two distinct points. Let (X_1) be the circle externally tangent to (O_1) and internally tangent to the circles (O_2), (O_3), circles (X_2), (X_3) are defined in the same manner. Let (Y_1) be the circle internally tangent to (O_1) and externally tangent to the circles (O_2), (O_3), the circles (Y_2), (Y_3) are defined in the same way. Let (Z_1), (Z_2) be two circles internally tangent to all three circles (O_1), (O_2), (O_3). Prove that the four lines X_1Y_1, X_2Y_2, X_3Y_3, Z_1Z_2 are concurrent.
Nguyễn Văn Linh
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 2.1 Let ABC be an equilateral triangle with circumcircle of center O and radius R. Point M is exterior to the triangle such that S_bS_c = S_aS_b+S_aS_c, where S_a, S_b, S_c are the areas of triangles MBC,MCA,MAB respectively. Prove that OM \ge R.
Nguyễn Tiến Lâm
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 2.2 Let ABC be a scalene triangle. A circle (O) passes through B,C, intersecting the line segments BA,CA at F,E respectively. The circumcircle of triangle ABE meets the line CF at two points M,N such that M is between C and F. The circumcircle of triangle ACF meets the line BE at two points P,Q such that P is betweeen B and E. The line through N perpendicular to AN meets BE at R, the line through Q perpendicular to AQ meets CF at S. Let U be the intersection of SP and NR, V be the intersection of RM and QS. Prove that three lines NQ,UV and RS are concurrent.
Trần Quang Hùng
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 2.3 Let ABC be a triagle inscribed in a circle (O). A variable line through the orthocenter H of the triangle meets the circle (O) at two points P , Q. Two lines through P, Q that are perpendicular to AP , AQ respectively meet BC at M, N respectively. Prove that the line through P perpendicular to OM and the line through Q perpendicular to ON meet each other at a point on the circle (O).
Nguyễn Văn Linh
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 2.4 Let ABC be a triangle inscribed in a circle of radius O. The angle bisectors AD,BE,CF are concurrent at I. The points M,N, P are respectively on EF, FD, and DE such that IM, IN, IP are perpendicular to BC,CA,AB respectively. Prove that the three lines AM,BN, CP are concurrent at a point on OI.
Nguyễn Minh Hà
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 3.1 AB,AC are tangent to a circle (O), B,C are the points of tangency. Q is a point iside the angle BAC, on the ray AQ, take a point P suc that OP is perpendicular to AQ. The line OP meets the circumcircles triangles BPQ and CPQ at I, J. Prove that OI = OJ.
Hồ Quang Vinh
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 3.2 Given a triangle ABC, a line \delta and a constant k, distinct from 0 and 1,M a variable point on the line \delta. Points E, F are on MB,MC respectively such that \frac{\overline{ME}}{\overline{MB}} = \frac{\overline{MF}}{\overline{MC}} = k. Points P,Q are on AB,AC such that PE, QF are perpendicular to \delta. Prove that the line through M perpendicular to PQ has a fixed point.
Nguyễn Minh Hà
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 3.3 A triangle ABC is inscribed in circle (O). P1, P2 are two points in the plane of the triangle. P_1A, P_1B, P_1C meet (O) again at A_1,B_1,C_1 . P_2A, P_2B, P_2C meet (O) again at A_2,B_2,C_2.
a) A_1A_2, B_1B_2, C_1C_2 intersect BC,CA,AB at A_3,B_3,C_3. Prove that three points A_3,B_3,C_3 are collinear.
b) P is a point on the line P_1P_2. A_1P,B_1P,C_1P meet (O) again at A_4,B_4,C_4. Prove that three lines A_2A_4,B_2B_4,C_2C_4 are concurrent.
Trần Quang Hùng
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 3.4 A triangle ABC is inscribed in the circle (O,R). A circle (O',R') is internally tangent to (O) at I such that R < R'. P is a point on the circle (O). Rays PA, PB, PC meet (O') at A_1,B_1,C_1. Let A_2B_2C_2 be the triangle formed by the intersections of the line symmetric to B_1C_1 about BC, the line symmetric to C_1A_1 about CA and the line symmetric to A_1B_1 about AB. Prove that the circumcircle of A_2B_2C_2 is tangent to (O).
Nguyễn Văn Linh
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 4.1 Five points K_i, i = 1, 2, 3, 4 and P are chosen arbitrarily on the same circle. Denote by P(i, j) the distance from P to the line passing through K_i and K_j . Prove thatP(1, 2)P(3, 4) = P(1, 4)P(2, 3) = P(1, 3)P(2, 4)
Bùi Quang Tuấn
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 4.2Let ABC be a triangle. (K) is an arbitrary circle tangent to the lines AC,AB at E, F respectively. (K) cuts BC at M,N such that N lies between B and M. FM intersects EN at I. The circumcircles of triangles IFN and IEM meet each other at J distinct from I. Prove that IJ passes through A and KJ is perpendicular to IJ.
Trần Quang Hùng
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 4.3 Let ABC be a triangle not being isosceles at A. Let (O) and (I) denote the circumcircle and incircle of the triangle. (I) touches AC and AB at E, F respectively. Points M and N are on the circle (I) such that EM \parallel FN \parallel BC. Let P,Q be the intersections of BM,CN and (I). Prove that
i) BC,EP, FQ are concurrent, and denote by K the point of concurrency.
ii) the circumcircles of triangle BPK, CQK are all tangent to (I) and all pass through a common point on the circle (O).
Nguyễn Minh Hà
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 4.4 et ABC be a triangle with E being the centre of its Euler circle. Through E, construct the lines PS, MQ, NR parallel to BC,CA,AB (R,Q are on the line BC, N, P on the line AC,M, S on the line AB). Prove that the four Euler lines of triangles ABC,AMN,BSR,CPQ are concurrent.
Nguyễn Văn Linh
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 5.1 Let a, b be two lines intersecting each other at O. Point M is not on either a or b. A variable circle (C) passes through O,M intersecting a, b at A,B respectively, distinct from O. Prove that the midpoint of AB is on a fixed line.
Hạ Vũ Anh
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 5.2Let ABCD be a rectangle and U, V two points of its circumcircle. Lines AU,CV intersect at P and lines BU,DV intersect at Q, distinct from P. Prove that\frac{1}{PQ^2} \ge \frac{1}{UV^2} - \frac{1}{AC^2}
Michel Bataille
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 5.3 Let ABC be an acute triangle, not being isoceles. Let \ell_a be the line passing through the points of tangency of the escribed circles in the angle A with the lines AB, AC produced. Let d_a be the line through A parallel to the line that joins the incenter I of the triangle ABC and the midpoint of BC. Lines \ell_b, d_b, \ell_c, d_c are defined in the same manner. Three lines \ell_a, \ell_b, \ell_c intersect each other and these intersections make a triangle called MNP. Prove that the lines d_a, d_b and d_c are concurrent and their point of concurrency lies on the Euler line of the triangle MNP.
Lê Phúc Lữ
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 5.4Let ABC be a triangle inscribed in a circle (O). Let P be an arbitrary point in the plane of triangle ABC. Points A',B',C' are the reflections of P about the lines BC,CA,AB respectively. X is the intersection, distinct from A, of the circle with diameter AP and the circumcircle of triangle AB'C'. Points Y,Z are defined in the same way. Prove that five circles (O), (AB'C'), (BC'A'), (CA'B'), (XY Z) have a point in common.
Nguyễn Văn Linh
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 6.1 Show that the circumradius R of a triangle ABC equals the arithmetic mean of the oriented distances from its incenter I and three excenters I_a,I_b, I_c to any tangent \tau to its circumcircle. In other words, if \delta(P) denotes the distance from a point P to \tau, then with appropriate choices of signs, we have \delta(I) \pm \delta_(I_a) \pm \delta_(I_b) \pm \delta_(I_c) = 4R
Luis González
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 6.2 Let ABC be an acute triangle, and its altitudes AX,BY,CZ concurrent at H. Construct circles (K_a), (K_b), (K_c) circumscribing the triangles AY Z, BZX, CXY . Construct a circle (K) that is internally tangent to all the three circles (Ka), (K_b), (K_c). Prove that (K) is tangent to the circumcircle (O) of the triangle ABC.
Đỗ Thanh Sơn
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 6.3 Let AB be an arbitrary chord of the circle (O). Two circles (X) and (Y ) are on the same side of the chord AB such that they are both internally tangent to (O) and they are tangent to AB at C,D respectively, C is between A and D. Let H be the intersection of XY and AB, M the midpoint of arc AB not containing X and Y . Let HM meet (O) again at I. Let IX, IY intersect AB again at K, J. Prove that the circumcircle of triangle IKJ is tangent to (O).
Nguyễn Văn Linh
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 6.4 Let P be an arbitrary variable point in the plane of a triangle ABC. A_1 is the projection of P onto BC, A_2 is the midpoint of line segment PA_1, A_2P meets BC at A_3, A_4 is the reflection of P about A_3. Prove that PA_4 has a fixed point.
Trần Quang Hùng
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 7.1 Let ABCD be a cyclic quadrilateral. Suppose that E is the intersection of AB and CD, F is the intersection of AD and CB, I is the intersection of AC and BD. The circumcircles (FAB), (FCD) meet FI at K, L. Prove that EK = EL
Nguyễn Minh Hà
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 7.2 A non-equilateral triangle ABC is inscribed in a circle \Gamma with centre O, radius R and its incircle has centre I and touches BC,CA,AB at D,E, F, respectively. A circle with centre I and radius r intersects the rays [ID), [IE), [IF) at A',B',C'. Show that the orthocentre K of \vartriangle A'B'C' is on the line OI and that \frac{IK}{IO}=\frac{r}{R}
Michel Bataille
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 7.3Let ABCD be a tangential quadrilateral. Let AB meet CD at E, AD intersect BC at F. Two arbitrary lines through E meet AD,BC at M,N, P,Q respectively (M,N \in AD, P,Q \in BC). Another arbitrary pair of lines through F intersect AB,CD at X, Y,Z, T respectively (X, Y \in AB,Z, T \in CD). Suppose that d_1, d_2 are the second tangents from E to the incircles of triangles FXY, FZT,d_3, d_4 are the second tangents from F to the incircles of triangles EMN,EPQ. Prove that the four lines d_1, d_2, d_3, d_4 meet each other at four points and these intersections make a tangential quadrilateral.
Nguyễn Văn Linh
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 7.4 Let ABCD be a quadrilateral inscribed in the circle (O). Let (K) be an arbitrary circle passing through B,C. Circle (O_1) tangent to AB,AC and is internally tangent to (K). Circle (O_2) touches DB,DC and is internally tangent to (K). Prove that one of the two external common tangents of (O_1) and (O_2) is parallel to AD.
Trần Quang Hùng
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 8.1 Let ABC be a triangle and ABDE, BCFZ, CAKL be three similar rectangles constructed externally of the triangle. Let A' be the intersection of EF and ZK, B' the intersection of KZ and DL, and C' the intersection of DL and EF. Prove that AA' passes through the midpoint of the line segment B'C'.
Kostas Vittas
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 8.2 Let ABC be a triangle, d a line passing through A and parallel to BC. A point M distinct from A is chosen on d. I is the incenter of triangle ABC, K,L are the the points of symmetry of M about IB, IC. Let BK meet CL at N. Prove that AN is tangent to circumcircle of triangle ABC.
Đỗ Thanh Sơn
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 8.3 Let ABC be a scalene triangle, (O) and H be the circumcircle and its orthocenter. A line through A is parallel to OH meets (O) at K. A line through K is parallel to AH, intersecting (O) again at L. A line through L parallel to OA meets OH at E. Prove that B,C,O,E are on the same circle.
Trần Quang Hùng
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 8.4 Let ABC a triangle inscribed in a circle (O) with orthocenter H. Two lines d_1 and d_2 are mutually perpendicular at H. Let d_1 meet BC,CA,AB at X_1, Y_1,Z_1 respectively. Let A_1B_1C_1 be a triangle formed by the line through X_1 perpendicular to BC, the line through Y_1 perpendicular to CA, the line through Z_1 perpendicular perpendicular to AB. Triangle A_2B_2C_2 is defined in the same manner. Prove that the circumcircles of triangles A_1B_1C_1 and A_2B_2C_2 touch each other at a point on (O).
Nguyễn Văn Linh
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 9.1 Let ABC be a triangle with (O), (I) being the circumcircle, and incircle respectively. Let (I) touch BC,CA, and AB at A_0, B_0, C_0 let BC,CA, and AB intersect B_0C_0, C_0A_0, A_0Bv at A_1, B_1, and C_1 respectively. Prove that OI passes through the orthocenter of four triangles A_0B_0C_0, A_0B_1C_1, B_0C_1A_1,C_0A_1B_1.
Nguyễn Minh Hà
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 9.2 Let ABDE, BCFZ and CAKL be three arbitrary rectangles constructed outside a triangle ABC. Let EF meet ZK at M, and N be the intersection of the lines through F,Z perpendicular to FL,ZD. Prove that A,M,N are collinear.
Kostas Vittas
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 9.3 Let ABCD be a quadrilateral inscribed in a circle (O). Let (O_1), (O_2), (O_3), (O_4) be the circles going through (A,B), (B,C),(C,D),(D,A). Let X, Y,Z, T be the second intersection of the pairs of the circles: (O_1) and (O_2), (O_2) and (O_3), (O_3) and (O_4), (O_4) and (O_1).
(a) Prove that X, Y,Z, T are on the same circle of radius I.
(b) Prove that the midpoints of the line segments O_1O_3,O_2O_4,OI are collinear.
Nguyễn Văn Linh
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 9.4 Let ABC be a triangle inscribed in a circle (O), and M be some point on the perpendicular bisector of BC. Let I_1, I_2 be the incenters of triangles MAB,MAC. Prove that the incenters of triangles A_II_1I_2 are on a fixed line when M varies on the perpendicular bisector.
Trần Quang Hùng
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 10.1 Let ABC be a triangle with two angles B,C not having the same measure, I be its incircle, (O) its circumcircle. Circle (O_b) touches BA,BC and is internally tangent to (O) at B_1. Circle (O_c) touches CA,CB and is internally tangent to (O) at C_1. Let S be the intersection of BC and B_1C_1. Prove that \angle AIS = 90^o.
Nguyễn Minh Hà
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 10.2 Let ABC be an acute triangle, not isoceles triangle and (O), (I) be its circumcircle and incircle respectively. Let A_1 be the the intersection of the radical axis of (O), (I) and the line BC. Let A_2 be the point of tangency (not on BC) of the tangent from A_1 to (I). Points B_1,B_2,C_1,C_2 are defined in the same manner. Prove that
(a) the lines AA_2,BB_2,CC_2 are concurrent.
(b) the radical centers circles through triangles BCA_2, CAB_2 and ABC_2 are all on the line OI.
Lê Phúc Lữ
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 10.3 Let ABC be a triangle inscribed in a circle (O). d is the tangent at A of (O), P is an arbitrary point in the plane. D,E, F are the projections of P on BC,CA,AB. Let DE,DF intersect the line d at M,N respectively. The circumcircle of triangle DEF meets CA,AB at K,L distinct from E, F. Prove that KN meets LM at a point on the circumcircle of triangle DEF.
Trần Quang Hùng
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 10.4 Let A_1A_2A_3...A_n be a bicentric polygon with n sides. Denote by I_i the incenter of triangle A_{i-1}A_iA_{i+1}, A_{i(i+1)} the intersection of A_iA_{i+2} and A_{i-1}A_{i+1},I_{i(i+1)} is the incenter of triangle A_iA_{i(i+1)}A_{i+1} (i = 1, n). Prove that there exist 2n points I_1, I_2, ..., I_n, I_{12}, I_{23}, ...., I_{n1} on the same circle.
Nguyễn Văn Linh
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 11.1 Let ABCDEF be a hexagon with sides AB,CD,EF being equal to m units, sides BC,DE, FA being equal to n units. The diagonals AD,BE,CF have lengths x, y, and z units. Prove the inequality\frac{1}{xy}+\frac{1}{yz}+\frac{1}{zx} \ge \frac{3}{(m+ n)^2}
Nguyễn Văn Quý
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 11.2
Let ABC be a triangle inscribed in the circle (O). Tangents at B,C of the circles (O) meet at T . Let M,N be the points on the rays BT,CT respectively such that BM = BC = CN. The line through M and N intersects CA,AB at E, F respectively; BE meets CT at P, CF intersects BT at Q. Prove that AP = AQ.
Trần Quang Hùng
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 11.3 Let ABC be a triangle such that AB = AC and let M be a point interior to the triangle. If BM meets AC at D. show that \frac{DM}{DA}=\frac{AM}{AB} if and only if \angle AMB = 2\angle ABC.
Michel Bataille
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 11.4 Let ABC be a triangle and P be a point in the plane of the triangle. The lines AP,BP, CP meets BC,CA,AB at A_1,B_1,C_1, respectively. Let A_2,B_2,C_2 be the Miquel point of the complete quadrilaterals AB_1PC_1BC, BC_1PA_1CA, CA_1PB_1AB. Prove that the circumcircles of the triangles APA_2,BPB_2, CPC_2, BA_2C, AB_2C, AC_2B have a point of concurrency.
Nguyễn Văn Linh
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 12.1 Let ABC be an acute triangle with orthocenter H, and P a point interior to the triangle. Points D,E,F are the reflections of P about BC,CA,AB. If Q is the intersection of HD and EF, prove that the ratio HQ/HD is independent of the choice of P.
Luis González
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 12.2 Let K be the midpoint of a fixed line segment AB, two circles (O) and (O') with variable radius each such that the straight line OO' is throughK and K is inside (O), the two circles meet at A and C, center O' is on the circumference of (O) and O is interior to (O'). Assume that M is the midpoint of AC, H the projection of C onto the perpendicular bisector of segment AB. Let I be a variable point on the arc AC of circle (O') that is inside (O), I is not on the line OO' . Let J be the reflection of I about O. The tangent of (O') at I meets AC at N. Circle (O'JN) meets IJ at P, distinct from J, circle (OMP) intersects MI at Q distinct from M. Prove that
(a) the intersection of PQ and O'I is on the circumference of (O).
(b) there exist a location of I such that the line segment AI meets (O) at R and the straight line BI meets (O') at S, then the lines AS and KR meets at a point on the circumference of (O).
(c) the intersection G of lines KC and HB moves on a fixed line.
Lê Phúc Lữ
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 12.3 Points E,F are chosen on the sides CA,AB of triangle ABC. Let (K) be the circumcircle of triangle AEF. The tangents at E, F of (K) intersect at T . Prove that
(a) T is on BC if and only if BE meets CF at a point on the circle (K),
(b) EF, PQ,BC are concurrent given that BE meets FT at M, CF meets ET at N, AM and AN intersects (K) at P,Q distinct from A.
Trần Quang Hùng
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 12.4 Quadrilateral ABCD has two diagonals AC,BD that are mutually perpendicular. Let M be the Miquel point of the complete quadrilateral formed by lines AB,BC,CD,DA. Suppose that L is the intersection of two circles (MAC) and (MBD). Prove that the circumcenters of triangles LAB,LBC,LCD,LDA are on the same circle called \omega and that three circles (MAC), (MBD), \omega are pairwise orthogonal.
Nguyễn Văn Linh
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 13.1 Let ABC be a triangle with no right angle, E on the line BC such that \angle AEB = \angle BAC and \Delta_A the perpendicular to BC at E. Let the circle \gamma with diameter BC intersect BA again at D. For each point M on \gamma (M is distinct from B), the line BM meets \Delta_A at M' and the line AM meets \gamma again at M''.
(a) Show that p(A) = AM' \times DM'' is independent of the chosen M.
(b) Keeping B,C fixed, and let A vary. Show that \frac{p(A)}{d(A,\Delta_A)} is independent of A.
Michel Bataille
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 13.2 In a triangle ABC, the nine-point circle (N) is tangent to the incircle (I) and three excircles (I_a), (I_b), (I_c) at the Feuerbach points F, F_a, F_b, F_c. Tangents of (N) at F, F_a, F_b, F_c bound a quadrangle PQRS. Show that the Euler line of ABC is a Newton line of PQRS.
Luis González
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 13.3 Let ABCD be a quadrilateral inscribed in circle (O). Let M,N be the midpoints of AD,BC. A line through the intersection P of the two diagonals AC,BD meets AD,BC at S, T respectively. Let BS meet AT at Q. Prove that three lines AD,BC,PQ are concurrent if and only if M, S, T,N are on the same circle.
Đỗ Thanh Sơn
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 13.4 Let P be an arbitrary point in the plane of triangle ABC. Lines PA, PB, PC meets the perpendicular bisectors of BC,CA,AB at O_a,O_b,O_c respectively. Let (O_a) be the circle with center O_a passing through two points B,C, two circles (O_b), (O_c) are defined in the same manner. Two circles (O_b), (O_c) meets at A_1, distinct from A. Points B_1,C_1 are defined in the same manner. Let Q be an arbitrary point in the plane of ABC and QB,QC meets (O_c) and (O_b) at A_2,A_3 distinct from B,C. Similarly, we have points B_2,B_3,C_2,C_3. Let (K_a), (K_b), (K_c) be the circumcircles of triangles A_1A_2A_3, B_1B_2B_3, C_1C_2C_3. Prove that
(a) three circles (K_a), (K_b), (K_c) have a common point.
(b) two triangles K_aK_bK_c, ABC are similar.
Trần Quang Hùng
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 14.1A circle (K) is through the vertices B, C of the triangle ABC and intersects its sides CA, AB respectively at E, F distinct from C, B. Line segment BE meets CF at G. Let M, N be the symmetric points of A about F, E respectively. Let P, Q be the reflections of C, B about AG. Prove that the circumcircles of triangles BPM , CQN have radii of the same length.
Trần Quang Hùng
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 14.2 The nine-point Euler circle of triangle ABC is tangent to the excircles in the angle A,B,C at Fa, Fb, Fc respectively. Prove that AF_a bisects the angle \angle CAB if and only if AFa bisects the angle \angle F_bAF_c.
Đỗ Thanh Sơn
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 14.3 Let ABC be a triangle inscribed in circle (I) that is tangent to the sides BC,CA,AB at points D,E, F respectively. Assume that L is the intersection of BE and CF,G is the centroid of triangle DEF,K is the symmetric point of L about G. If DK meets EF at P, Q is on EF such that QF = PE, prove that \angle DGE + \angle FGQ = 180^o.
Nguyễn Minh Hà
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 14.4 Two triangles ABC and PQR have the same circumcircles. Let E_a, E_b, E_c be the centers of the Euler circles of triangles PBC, QCA, RAB. Assume that d_a is a line through Ea parallel to AP, d_b, d_c are defined in the same manner. Prove that three lines d_a, d_b, d_c are concurrent.
Nguyễn Tiến Lâm, Trần Quang Hùng
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 15.1Let ABC be a non-isosceles triangle. The incircle (I) of the triangle touches sides BC,CA,AB at A_0,B_0, and C_0. Points A_1,B_1, and C_1 are on BC,CA,AB such that BA1 = CA_0, CB_1 = AB_0, AC_1 = BC_0. Prove that the circumcircles (IAA1), (IBB_1), (ICC_1) pass all through a common point, distinct from I.
Nguyễn Minh Hà
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 15.2Let O be the centre of the circumcircle of triangle ABC. Point D is on the side BC. Let (K) be the circumcircle of ABD. (K) meets AO at E that is distinct from A.
(a) Prove that B,K,O,E are on the same circle that is called (L).
(b) (L) intersects AB at F distinct B. Point G is on (L) such that EG \parallel OF. GK meets AD at S, SO meets BC at T . Prove that O,E, T,C are on the same circle.
Trần Quang Hùng
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 15.3Triangle ABC has circumcircle (O,R), and orthocenter H. The symmedians through A,B,C meet the perpendicular bisectors of BC,CA,AB at D,E, F respectively. Let M,N, P be the perpendicular projections of H on the line OD,OE,OF. Prove that\frac{OH^2}{R^2} =\frac{\overline{OM}}{\overline{OD}}+\frac{\overline{ON}}{\overline{OE}} +\frac{\overline{OP}}{\overline{OF}}
Đỗ Thanh Sơn
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 15.4Let ABC be a fixed triangle. Point D is an arbitrary point on the side BC. Point P is fixed on AD. The circumcircle of triangle BPD meets AB at E distinct from B. Point Q varies on AP. Let BQ and CQ meet the circumcircles of triangles BPD, CPD respectively at F,Z distinct from B,C. Prove that the circumcircle EFZ is through a fixed point distinct from E and this fixed point is on the circumcircle of triangle CPD.
Kostas Vittas
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 16.1Let ABCD be a cyclic quadrilateral with two diagonals intersect at E. Let M, N, P, Q be the reflections of E in midpoints of AB, BC, CD, DA respectively. Prove that the Euler lines of \triangle MAB, \triangle NBC, \triangle PCD, \triangle QDA are concurrent.
Trần Quang Hùng
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 16.2 Let ABCD be a quadrilateral and P a point in the plane of the quadrilateral. Let M,N be on the sides AC,BD respectively such that PM \parallel BC, PN \parallel AD. AC meets BD at E. Prove that the orthocenter of triangles EBC, EAD, EMN are collinear if and only if P is on the line AB.
Đỗ Thanh Sơn
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 16.3 The incircle (I) of a triangle ABC touches BC,CA,AB at D,E, F. Let ID, IE, IF intersect EF, FD,DE at X,Y,Z, respectively. The lines \ell_a, \ell_b, \ell_c through A,B,C respectively and are perpendicular to YZ,ZX,XY .
Prove that \ell_a, \ell_b, \ell_c are concurrent at a point that is on the line segment joining I and the centroid of triangle ABC .
Nguyễn Minh Hà
Geometry Mathley 2011-12 16.4 A triangle ABC is inscribed in the circle (O), and has incircle (I). The circles with diameter IA meets (O) at A_1 distinct from A. Points B_1,C_1 are defined in the same manner. Line B_1C_1 meets BC at A_2, and points B_2,C_2 are defined in the same manner. Prove that O is the orthocenter of triangle A_2B_2C_2.
Trần Minh Ngọc
2014 - 2015
[3 problem sets in 2014 and 1 in 2015, missing numbers are not geometry ones]
Let AD, BE, CF be segments whose midpoints are on the same line \ell. The points X, Y, Z lie on the lines EF, FD, DE respectively such that AX \parallel BY \parallel CZ \parallel \ell. Prove that X, Y, Z are collinear.
Tran Quang Hung
Let the inscribed circle (I) of the triangle ABC, touches CA, AB at E, F. P moves along EF, PB cuts CA at M, MI cuts the line, through C perpendicular to AC, at N. Prove that the line through N is perpendicular to PC crosses a fixed point as P moves.
Tran Quang Hung
The circles \gamma and \delta are internally tangent to the circle \omega at A and B. From A, draw two tangent lines \ell_1, \ell_2 to \delta, . From B draw two tangent lines t_1, t_2 to \gamma . Let \ell_1 intersect t_1 at X and \ell_2 intersect t_2 at Y . Prove that the quadrilateral AX BY cyclic.
Nguyen Van Linh
Let ABC be a triangle with a circumcircle (K). A circle touching the sides AB,AC is internally tangent to (K) at K_a; two other points K_b,K_c are defined in the same manner. Prove that the area of triangle K_aK_bK_c does not exceed that of triangle ABC.
Nguyen Minh Ha
In a triangle ABC, D is the reflection of A about the sideline BC. A circle (K) with diameter AD meets DB,DC at M,N which are distinct from D. Let E,F be the midpoint of CA,AB. The circumcircles of KEM,KFN meet each other again at L, distinct from K. Let KL meets EF at X; points Y,Z are defined in the same manner. Prove that three lines AX,BY,CZ are concurrent.
Tran Quang Hung
Let (O) be the circumcircle of triangle ABC, and P a point on the arc BC not containing A. (Q) is the A-mixtilinear circle of triangle ABC, and (K), (L) are the P-mixtilinear circles of triangle PAB, PAC respectively. Prove that there is a line tangent to all the three circles (Q), (K) and (L).
Nguyen Van Linh
A quadrilateral ABCD is inscribed in a circle (O). Another circle (I) is tangent to the diagonals AC, BD at M, N respectively. Suppose that MN meets AB,CD at P, Q respectively. The circumcircle of triangle IMN meets the circumcircles of IAB, ICD at K, L respectively, which are distinct from I. Prove that the lines PK, QL, and OI are concurrent.
Tran Minh Ngoc
Let the incircle \gamma of triangle ABC be tangent to BA, BC at D, E, respectively. A tangent t to \gamma , distinct from the sidelines, intersects the line AB at M. If lines CM, DE meet at K, prove that lines AK,BC and t are parallel or concurrent.
Michel Bataille , France
Let ABC be an acute triangle with E, F being the reflections of B,C about the line AC, AB respectively. Point D is the intersection of BF and CE. If K is the circumcircle of triangle DEF, prove that AK is perpendicular to BC.
Nguyen Minh Ha
Triangle ABC has incircle (I) and P,Q are two points in the plane of the triangle. Let QA,QB,QC meet BA,CA,AB respectively at D,E,F. The tangent at D, other than BC, of the circle (I) meets PA at X. The points Y and Z are defined in the same manner. The tangent at X, other than XD, of the circle (I) meets (I) at U. The points V,W are defined in the same way. Prove that three lines (AU,BV,CW) are concurrent.
Tran Quang Hung, Dean of the Faculty of Science, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi.
A quadrilateral is called bicentric if it has both an incircle and a circumcircle. ABCD is a bicentric quadrilateral with (O) being its circumcircle. Let E, F be the intersections of AB and CD, AD and BC respectively. Prove that there is a circle with center O tangent to all of the circumcircles of the four triangles EAD, EBC, FAB, FCD.
Nguyen Van Linh
Two circles (U) and (V) intersect at A,B. A line d meets (U), (V) at P, Q and R,S respectively. Let t_P, t_Q, t_R,t_S be the tangents at P,Q,R, S of the two circles. Another circle (W) passes through through A, B. Prove that if the circumcircle of triangle that is formed by the intersections of t_P,t_R, AB is tangent to (W) then the circumcircle of triangle formed by t_Q, t_S, AB is also tangent to (W).
Tran Minh Ngoc
Let ABC be an acute triangle inscribed in a circle (O) that is fixed, and two of the vertices B, C are fixed while vertex A varies on the circumference of the circle. Let I be the center of the incircle, and AD the angle bisector. Let K, L be the circumcenters of CAD, ABD. A line through O parallel to DL, DK intersects the line that is through I perpendicular to IB, IC at M, N respectively. Prove that MN is tangent to a fixed circle when A varies on the circle (O).
Tran Quang Hung
A quadrilateral ABCD is inscribed in a circle and its two diagonals AC,BD meet at G. Let M be the center of CD, E,F be the points on BC, AD respectively such that ME \parallel AC and MF \parallel BD. Point H is the projection of G onto CD. The circumcircle of MEF meets CD at N distinct from M. Prove that MN = MH
Tran Quang Hung, Nguyen Le Phuoc, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi
A point P is interior to the triangle ABC such that AP \perp BC. Let E, F be the projections of CA, AB. Suppose that the tangents at E, F of the circumcircle of triangle AEF meets at a point on BC. Prove that P is the orthocenter of triangle ABC.
Do Thanh Son
Points E, F are in the plane of triangle ABC so that triangles ABE and ACF are the opposite directed, and the two triangles are isosceles in that BE = AE, AF = CF. Let H, K be the orthocenter of triangle ABE, ACF respectively. Points M, N are the intersections of BE and CF, CK and CH. Prove that MN passes through the center of the circumcircle of triangle ABC.
Nguyen Minh Ha
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