geometry problems from Silk Roal Mathematics Competitions (SRMC)
with aops links in the names
with aops links in the names
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2002 - 2022
2002 Silk Road P1Let $ \triangle ABC$ be a triangle with incircle $ \omega(I,r)$and circumcircle $ \zeta(O,R)$.Let $ l_{a}$ be the angle bisector of $ \angle BAC$.Denote $ P=l_{a}\cap\zeta$.Let $ D$ be the point of tangency $ \omega$ with $ [BC]$.Denote $ Q=PD\cap\zeta$.Show that $ PI=QI$ if $ PD=r$.
2003 Silk Road P2
Let $s=\frac{AB+BC+AC}{2}$ be half-perimeter of triangle $ABC$. Let $L$ and $N$be a point's on ray's $AB$ and $CB$, for which $AL=CN=s$. Let $K$ is point, symmetric of point $B$ by circumcenter of $ABC$. Prove, that perpendicular from $K$ to $NL$ passes through incenter of $ABC$.
2004 Silk Road P3
In-circle of $ABC$ with center $I$ touch $AB$ and $AC$ at $P$ and $Q$ respectively. $BI$ and $CI$ intersect $PQ$ at $K$ and $L$ respectively. Prove, that circumcircle of $ILK$ touch incircle of $ABC$ iff $|AB|+|AC|=3|BC|$
2005 Silk Road P3
Assume $A,B,C$ are three collinear points that $B \in [AC]$. Suppose $AA'$ and $BB'$ are to parrallel lines that $A'$, $B'$ and $C$ are not collinear. Suppose $O_1$ is circumcenter of circle passing through $A$, $A'$ and $C$. Also $O_2$ is circumcenter of circle passing through $B$, $B'$ and $C$. If area of $A'CB'$ is equal to area of $O_1CO_2$, then find all possible values for $\angle CAA'$
2007 Silk Road P2
Let $\omega$ be the incircle of triangle $ABC$ touches $BC$ at point $K$ . Draw a circle passing through points $B$ and $C$ , and touching $\omega$ at the point $S$ . Prove that $S K$ passes through the center of the exscribed circle of triangle $A B C$ , tangent to side $B C$ .
2008 Silk Road P2
Let $ ABC$ be a triangle and $ A_0,B_0,C_0$ be the midpoints of $ BC,CA,AB$,respectively.And $ A_1,B_1,C_1$ be the midpoints of broken lines $ BAC$,$ ABC$,$ ACB$,respectively.Prove that $ A_0A_1,B_0B_1,C_0C_1$ are concurrent.
2009 Silk Road P2
Bisectors of triangle $ABC$ of an angles $A$ and $C$ intersect with $BC$ and $AB$ at points $A_1$ and $C_1$ respectively. Lines $AA_1$ and $CC_1$ intersect circumcircle of triangle $ABC$ at points $A_2$ and $C_2$ respectively.$ K$ is intersection point of $C_1A_2$ and $A_1C_2. I$ is incenter of $ABC$. Prove that the line $KI$ divides $AC$ into two equal parts.
2010 Silk Road P1
In a convex quadrilateral it is known $ABCD$ that $\angle ADB + \angle ACB = \angle CAB + \angle DBA = 30^{\circ}$ and $AD = BC$. Prove that from the lengths $DB$, $CA$ and $DC$, you can make a right triangle.
2011 Silk Road P2
Given an isosceles triangle $ABC$ with base $AB$. Point $K$ is taken on the extenstion of the side $AC$ (beyond the point $C$ ) so that $\angle KBC = \angle ABC$. Denote $S$ the intersection point of angle - bisectors of $\angle BKC$ and $\angle ACB$. Lines $AB$ and $KS$ intersect at point $L$, lines $BS$ and $CL$ intersect at point $M$ . Prove that line $KM$ passes through the middle of the segment $BC$.
2012 Silk Road P1
Trapezium $ABCD$, where $BC||AD$, is inscribed in a circle, $E$ is middle of the arc $AD$ of this circle not containing point $C$ . Let $F$ be the base of the perpendicular dropped from $E$ on the line tangent to the circle at the point $C$ . Prove that $BC=2CF$.
2013 Silk Road P2
Circle with center $I$, inscribed in a triangle $ABC$ , touches the sides $BC$ and $AC$ at points $A_1$ and $B_1$ respectively. On rays $A_1I$ and $B_1I$, respectively, let be the points $A_2$ and $B_2$ such that $IA_2=IB_2=R$, where $R$is the radius of the circumscribed circle of the triangle $ABC$. Prove that:
a) $AA_2 = BB_2 = OI$ where $O$ is the center of the circumscribed circle of the triangle $ABC$,
b) lines $AA_2$ and $BB_2$ intersect on the circumcircle of the triangle $ABC$.
2014 Silk Road P2
Let $w$ be the circumcircle of non-isosceles acute triangle $ABC$. Tangent lines to $w$ in $A$ and $B$ intersect at point $S$. Let M be the midpoint of $AB$, and $H$ be the orthocenter of triangle $ABC$. The line $HA$ intersects lines $CM$ and $CS$ at points $M_a$ and $S_a$, respectively. The points $M_b$ and $S_b$ are defined analogously. Prove that $M_aS_b$ and $M_bS_a$ are the altitudes of triangle $M_aM_bH$.
2015 Silk Road P4
Let $O$ be a circumcenter of an acute-angled triangle$ ABC$. Consider two circles $\omega$ and $\Omega$ inscribed in the angle B$AC$ in such way that ω is tangent from the outside to the arc $BOC$ of a circle circumscribed about the triangle $BOC$, and the circle $\Omega$ is tangent internally to a circumcircle of triangle $ABC$. Prove that the radius of $\Omega$ is twice the radius $\omega$.
2016 Silk Road P2
Around the acute-angled triangle $ABC$ ($AC>CB$) a circle is circumscribed, and the point $N$ is midpoint of the arc $ACB$ of this circle. Let the points $A_1$ and $B_1$ be the bases of perpendiculars on the straight line $NC$, drawn from points $A$ and $B$ respectively (segment $NC$ lies inside the segment $A_1B_1$). Altitude $A_1A_2$ of triangle $A_1AC$ and altitude $B_1B_2$ of triangle $B_1BC$ intersect at a point $K$ . Prove that $\angle A_1KN=\angle B_1KM$, where $M$ is midpoint of the segment $A_2B_2$ .
2017 Silk Road P2
Quadrilateral $ABCD$ inscribed in a circle $\omega$. Diagonals $AC$ and $BD$ intersect at a point $O$. On segments $AO$ and $DO$ points $E$ and $F$ are selected respectively. Straight $EF$ crosses $\omega$ in points $E_{1}$ and $F_{1}$. The circumscribed circles of triangles $ADE$ and $BCF$ cross the segment $EF$ in points $E_{2}$ and $F_{2}$ respectively (assume that all points $E$, $E_{1}$, $E_{2}$, $F$, $F_{1}$, $F_{2}$ are different). Prove that $E_{1}E_{2}=F_{1}F_{2}$
2018 Silk Road P1
In an acute-angled triangle $ABC$ on the sides $AB$, $BC$, $AC$ the points $H$, $L$, $K$ so that $CH \perp AB$, $HL \parallel AC$, $HK \parallel BC$. Let $P$ and $Q$ feet of altitudes of a triangle $HBL$, drawn from the vertices $H$ and $B$ respectively. Prove that the feet of the altitudes of the triangle $AKH$, drawn from the vertices $A$ and $H$ lie on the line $PQ$.
2019 Silk Road P1
The altitudes of the acute-angled non-isosceles triangle $ ABC $ intersect at the point $ H $. On the segment $ C_1H $, where $ CC_1 $ is the altitude of the triangle, the point $ K $ is marked. Points $ L $ and $ M $ are the bases of perpendiculars from point $ K $ to straight lines $ AC $ and $ BC $, respectively. The lines $ AM $ and $ BL $ intersect at $ N $. Prove that $ \angle ANK = \angle HNL $.
2020 Silk Road P2
The triangle $ ABC $ is inscribed in the circle $ \omega $. Points $ K, L, M $ are marked on the sides $ AB, BC, CA $, respectively, and $ CM \cdot CL = AM \cdot BL $. Ray $ LK $ intersects line $ AC $ at point $ P $. The common chord of the circle $ \omega $ and the circumscribed circle of the triangle $ KMP $ meets the segment $ AM $ at the point $ S $. Prove that $ SK \parallel BC $.
In a triangle $ABC$, $M$ is the midpoint of the $AB$. A point $B_1$ is marked on $AC$ such that $CB=CB_1$. Circle $\omega$ and $\omega_1$, the circumcircles of triangles $ABC$ and $BMB_1$, respectively, intersect again at $K$. Let $Q$ be the midpoint of the arc $ACB$ on $\omega$. Let $B_1Q$ and $BC$ intersect at $E$. Prove that $KC$ bisects $B_1E$.
Convex quadrilateral $ABCD$ is inscribed in circle $w.$Rays $AB$ and $DC$ intersect at $K.\ L$ is chosen on the diagonal $BD$ so that $\angle BAC= \angle DAL.\ M$ is chosen on the segment $KL$ so that $CM \mid\mid BD.$ Prove that line $BM$ touches $w.$
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