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Taiwan 1992 - 2002 16p

 geometry problems from Taiwanese Mathematical Olympiads

 with aops links in the names


Let $A,B$ be two points on a give circle, and $M$ be the midpoint of one of the arcs $AB$ . Point $C$ is the orthogonal projection of $B$ onto the tangent $l$ to the circle at $A$. The tangent at $M$ to the circle meets $AC,BC$ at $A',B'$ respectively. Prove that if $\hat{BAC}<\frac{\pi}{8}$ then $S_{ABC}<2S_{A'B'C'}$.

A line through the incenter $I$ of triangle $ABC$, perpendicular to $AI$, intersects $AB$ at $P$ and $AC$ at $Q$. Prove that the circle tangent to $AB$ at $P$ and to $AC$ at $Q$ is also tangent to the circumcircle of triangle $ABC$.

Let $E$ and $F$ are distinct points on the diagonal $AC$ of a parallelogram $ABCD$ . Prove that , if there exists a cricle through $E,F$ tangent to rays $BA,BC$ then there also exists a cricle through $E,F$ tangent to rays $DA,DC$.

In the Cartesian plane, let $C$ be a unit circle with center at origin $O$. For any point $Q$ in the plane distinct from $O$, define $Q'$ to be the intersection of the ray $OQ$ and the circle $C$. Prove that for any $P\in C$ and any $k\in\mathbb{N}$ there exists a lattice point $Q(x,y)$ with $|x|=k$ or $|y|=k$ such that $PQ'<\frac{1}{2k}$.

Let $ABCD$ be a quadrilateral with $AD=BC$ and $\widehat{A}+\widehat{B}=120^{0}$. Let us draw equilateral $ACP,DCQ,DBR$ away from $AB$ . Prove that the points $P,Q,R$ are collinear.
Let $P$ be a point on the circumcircle of a triangle $A_{1}A_{2}A_{3}$, and let $H$ be the orthocenter of the triangle. The feet $B_{1},B_{2},B_{3}$ of the perpendiculars from $P$ to $A_{2}A_{3},A_{3}A_{1},A_{1}A_{2}$ lie on a line. Prove that this line bisects the segment $PH$.
Let be given points $A,B$ on a circle and let $P$ be a variable point on that circle. Let point $M$ be determined by $P$ as the point that is either on segment $PA$ with $AM=MP+PB$ or on segment $PB$ with $AP+MP=PB$. Find the locus of points $M$.

Given a line segment $AB$ in the plane, find all possible points $C$ such that in the triangle $ABC$, the altitude from $A$ and the median from $B$ have the same length.

Let $ABCD$ is a tetrahedron. Show that
a)If $AB=CD,AC=DB,AD=BC$ then triangles $ABC,ABD,ACD,BCD$ are acute.
b)If the triangles $ABC,ABD,ACD,BCD$ have the same area , then $AB=CD,AC=DB,AD=BC$.

Let $O$ be the circumcenter and $R$ be the circumradius of an acute triangle $ABC$. Let $AO$ meet the circumcircle of $OBC$ again at $D$, $BO$ meet the circumcircle of $OCA$ again at $E$, and $CO$ meet the circumcircle of $OAB$ again at $F$. Show that $OD.OE.OF\geq 8R^{3}$.

Let $I$ be the incenter of triangle $ABC$. Lines $AI$, $BI$, $CI$ meet the sides of $\triangle ABC$ at $D$, $E$, $F$ respectively. Let $X$, $Y$, $Z$ be arbitrary points on segments $EF$, $FD$, $DE$, respectively. Prove that $d(X, AB) + d(Y, BC) + d(Z, CA) \leq XY + YZ + ZX$, where $d(X, \ell)$ denotes the distance from a point $X$ to a line $\ell$.

Let $AD,BE,CF$ be the altitudes of an acute triangle $ABC$ with $AB>AC$. Line $EF$ meets $BC$ at $P$, and line through $D$ parallel to $EF$ meets $AC$ and $AB$ at $Q$ and $R$, respectively. Let $N$ be any poin on side $BC$ such that $\widehat{NQP}+\widehat{NRP}<180^{0}$. Prove that $BN>CN$.

Let $ABC$ be a triangle in which $BC<AC$. Let $M$ be the mid-point of $AB$, $AP$ be the altitude from $A$ on $BC$, and $BQ$ be the altitude from $B$ on to $AC$. Suppose that $QP$ produced meets $AB$ (extended) at $T$. If $H$ is the orthocenter of $ABC$, prove that $TH$ is perpendicular to $CM$.

Let $\Gamma$ be the circumcircle of a fixed triangle $ABC$, and let $M$ and $N$ be the midpoints of the arcs $BC$ and $CA$, respectively. For any point $X$ on the arc $AB$, let $O_1$ and $O_2$ be the incenters of $\vartriangle XAC$ and $\vartriangle XBC$, and let the circumcircle of $\vartriangle XO_1O_2$ intersect $\Gamma$  at $X$ and $Q$. Prove that triangles $QNO_1$ and $QMO_2$ are similar, and find all possible locations of point $Q$.

A lattice point $X$ in the plane is said to be visible from the origin $O$ if the line segment $OX$ does not contain any other lattice points. Show that for any positive integer $n$, there is square $ABCD$ of area $n^{2}$ such that none of the lattice points inside the square is visible from the origin.

Let $A,B,C$ be fixed points in the plane , and $D$ be a variable point on the circle $ABC$, distinct from $A,B,C$ . Let $I_{A},I_{B},I_{C},I_{D}$ be the Simson lines of $A,B,C,D$ with respect to triangles $BCD,ACD,ABD,ABC$ respectively. Find the locus of the intersection points of the four lines $I_{A},I_{B},I_{C},I_{D}$ when point $D$ varies.

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