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Chile 1989 - 2020 levels 1-2 74p (uc)

geometry problems from Chilean Mathematical Olympiads 

Olimpiada de Matemática de Chile

original wordings: 1989 - 2011

collected in aops here

Olimpiada de Matemática de Chile
1989 - 2018
[missing are 2017 L1+ L2, 2002 L2]  started in 1989 
level 1 started in 1999

Seniors  / Level 2 (nivel mayor)

1989 Chile P3
In a right triangle with legs a, b and hypotenuse c, draw semicircles with diameters on the sides of the triangle as indicated in the figure. The purple areas have values X,Y . Calculate X + Y.

The lengths of the three sides of a \triangle ABC are rational. The altitude CD determines on the side AB two segments AD and  DB . Prove that  AD, DB are rational.

1990 Chile P1
Show that any triangle can be subdivided into isosceles triangles.

1990 Chile P6
Given a regular polygon with apothem A and circumradius R . Find a regular polygon of equal perimeter and with double sides, the apothem a and the circumcircle r .

1991 Chile P2
If a polygon inscribed in a circle is equiangular and has an odd number of sides, prove that it is regular.

1991 Chile P6
Given a triangle with \triangle ABC , with: \angle C = 36^o and  \angle A = \angle B . Consider the points D on BC , E on AD F on BE G on DF and  H on  EG , so that the rays AD, BE, DF, EG, FH bisect the angles  A, B, D, E, F respectively. It is known that FH = 1 . Calculate  AC.

1992 Chile P4
Given three parallel lines, prove that there are three points, one on each line, which are the vertices of an equilateral triangle.

1992 Chile P5
In the  \triangle ABC  ,  points  M, I, H are feet, respectively, of the median, bisector and height, drawn from  A . It is known that  BC = 2 MI = 2-\sqrt {3} and AB > AC .
a) Prove that  I lies  between  M and  H .
b) Calculate AB ^ 2-AC ^ 2 .
c) Determine  \dfrac {AB} {AC} .
d) Find the measure of all the sides and angles of the triangle.

1993 Chile P1
There are four houses, located on the vertices of a square. You want to draw a road network, so that you can go from any house to any other. Prove that the network formed by the diagonals is not the shortest. Find a shorter network.

1993 Chile P2
Given a rectangle, circumscribe a rectangle of maximum area.

1993 Chile P6
Let ABCD be a rectangle of area S , and P be a point inside it. We denote by a, b, c, d the distances from P to the vertices A, B, C, D respectively. Prove that a ^ 2 + b ^ 2 + c ^ 2 + d ^ 2\ge 2S . When there is equality?

1994 Chile P2
Show that it is possible to cut any triangle into several pieces, so that a rectangle is formed when they are joined together.

1994 Chile P6
On a sheet of transparent paper, draw a quadrilateral with Chinese ink, which is illuminated with a lamp. Show that it is always possible to locate the sheet in such a way that the shadow projected on the desk is a parallelogram.

1995 Chile P2
In a circle of radius 1, six arcs of radius 1 are drawn, which cut the circle as in the figure. Determine the black area.
1995 Chile P7
In a semicircle of radius 4 three circles are inscribed, as indicated in the figure. Larger circles have radii R_1 and R_2 , and the larger circle has radius r .
a) Prove that \dfrac {1} {\sqrt{r}} = \dfrac {1} {\sqrt{R_1}} + \dfrac {1} {\sqrt{R_2}}
b) Prove that R_1 + R_2 \le 8 (\sqrt{2} -1)
c) Prove that r \le \sqrt{2} -1

1996 Chile P2
Construct the \triangle ABC , with AC <BC , if the circumcircle is known, and the points D, E, F in it, where they intersect, respectively, the height, the median and the bisector that they start from the vertex C .

1996 Chile P6
Two circles, C and K , intersect at A and B . Let P a point in the arc AB in C . Lines PA and PB cut back to K in R and S , respectively. Let P_1 be another point in the same arc as P , so that lines P_1A and P_1B re-intersect K in R_1 and S_1 , respectively. Prove that the arcs RS and R_1S_1 have equal measure.

1997 Chile P3
Let ABCD be a quadrilateral, whose diagonals intersect at  O . The triangles \triangle AOB , \triangle  BOC , \triangle  COD have areas 1, 2, 4, respectively. Find the  area  of \triangle AOD and prove that ABCD is a trapezoid.

1997 Chile P5
Let: C_1, C_2, C_3 three circles , intersecting in pairs, such that the secant line common to two of them (any) passes through the center of the third. Prove that the three lines thus defined are concurrent.

1998 Chile P2
Given a semicircle of diameter AB , with AB = 2r , be CD a variable string, but of fixed length c . Let E be the intersection point of lines AC and BD , and let F be the intersection point of lines AD and BC .
a) Prove that the lines EF and AB are perpendicular.
b) Determine the locus of the point E .
c) Prove that EF has a constant measure, and determine it based on c and r .

1998 Chile P6
To create an equilateral triangle, cut it into four polygonal figures so that, reassembled properly, these figures form a square.

In an acute triangle ABC, let \overline {AK}, \overline {BL}, \overline {CM} be the altitudes of the triangle concurrent at the point  H and let P the midpoint of  \overline {AH} . Let's define S = \overline {BH} \cap \overline {MK} and  T = \overline {LP} \cap \overline {AB} . Show that  \overline {TS} \perp \overline {BC}

1999 Chile L2 P6
Prove that there are infinite pairs of non-congruent triangles that have the same angles and two of their equal sides. Develop an algorithm or rule to obtain these pairs of triangles and indicate at least one pair that satisfies the asserted.

In the plane, we have any polygon that does not intersect itself and is closed. Given a point that is not on the edge of the polygon. How can we determine whether it is inside or outside the polygon? (the polygon has a finite number of sides)

2000 Chile L2 P4
Let AD be the bisector of a triangle ABC   (D \in BC) such that AB + AD = CD and AC + AD = BC . Determine the measure of the angles of \vartriangle ABC

In a triangle \vartriangle ABC , let h_a, h_b and h_c the atlitudes. Let D be the point where the inner bisector of \angle BAC cuts to the side BC and d_a is the distance from the D point next to AB . The distances d_b and d_c are similarly defined. Show that:
  \dfrac {3} {2} \le \dfrac {d_a} {h_a} + \dfrac {d_b} {h_b} + \dfrac {d_c} {h_c}

For what kind of triangles does the equality hold?

On a right triangle of paper, two points A and B have been painted. You have scissors and you have the right to make cuts (on paper) as follows: cut through a height of the given triangle. In doing so, remove, without the respective altitude, one of the two triangles and continue the process. Prove that after a finite number of cuts you can separate points A and B leaving one of them outside the remaining triangles.

2001 Chile L2 P6
Let C_1, C_2 be two circles of equal radius, disjoint, of centers O_1, O_2 , such that C_1 is to the left of C_2 . Let l be a line parallel to the line O_1O_2 , secant to both circles. Let P_1 be a point of l , to the left of C_1 and P_2 a point of l , to the right of C_2 such that the tangents of P_1 to C_1 and of P_2 a C_2 form a quadrilateral. Show that there is a circle tangent to the four sides of said quadrilateral.

2002 Chile L2 P3
Given the segment AB , let  M be one point lying on it. Towards the same side of the plane and with base AM and MB , the squares AMCD and MBEF are constructed. Let P and Q be the respective centers of these squares. Determine how the midpoint of the segment PQ moves as the point  M moves aling the segment.

Given a right triangle T, where the coordinates of its vertices are integers, let E be the number of points of integer coordinates that belong to the edge of the triangle T, I the number of points of integer coordinates that belong to the interior of the triangle T. Show that the area A(T) of triangle T is given by: A(T) = \frac{E}{2}+I -1.

Consider a triangle ABC . On the line AC take a point B_1 such that AB = AB_1 and in addition, B_1 and C are located on the same side of the line with respect to the point A . The bisector of the angle A intersects the side BC at a point that we will denote as A_1 . Let P and R be the circumscribed circles of the triangles ABC and A_1B_1C respectively. They intersect at points C and Q . Prove that the tangent to the circle R at the point Q is parallel to the line AC .

2004 Chile L2 P3
The perimeter, that is, the sum of the lengths of all sides of a convex quadrilateral ABCD , is equal to 2004 meters; while the length of its diagonal AC is equal to 1001 meters. Find out if the length of the other diagonal BD can:
a) To be equal to only one meter.
b) Be equal to the length of the diagonal AC .

2004 Chile L2 P6
The AB, BC and CD segments of the polygon ABCD have the same length and are tangent to a circle S , centered on the point O . Let P be the point of tangency of BC with S , and let Q be the intersection point of lines AC and BD . Show that the point Q is collinear with the points P and O .

In the center of the square of side 1 that shows the figure is an ant. At one point the ant begins to walk until it touches the left side (a), then continues walking until it reaches the bottom side (b) and finally returns to the starting point. Show that, regardless of the path followed by the ant, the distance it travels is greater than the square root of 2.
2006 Chile L2 P2
In a triangle \vartriangle ABC with sides integer numbers, it is known that the radius of the circumcircle circumscribed to \vartriangle ABC measures \dfrac {65} {8} centimeters and the area is 84 cm². Determine the lengths of the sides of the triangle.

Let \vartriangle ABC be an acute triangle and scalene, with BC its smallest side. Let P, Q points on AB, AC respectively, such that BQ = CP = BC . Let O_1, O_2 be the centers of the circles circumscribed to \vartriangle AQB, \vartriangle APC , respectively. Sean  H, O the orthocenter and circumcenter of \vartriangle  ABC 
a) Show that O_1O_2 = BC .
b) Show that  BO_2, CO_1 and  HO are concurrent

2007 Chile L2 P2
Given a \triangle ABC, determine which is the circle with the smallest area that contains it.

2007 Chile L2 P6
Given an \triangle ABC isoceles with base BC we note with M the midpoint of said base. Let  X be any point on the shortest arc AM of the circumcircle of \triangle  ABM and let T be a point on the inside  \angle BMA such that \angle TMX = 90^o and TX = BX. Show that \angle  MTB - \angle CTM does not depend on X.

2008 Chile L2 P2
Let ABC be right isosceles  triangle with right angle in A. Given a point P inside the triangle, denote by a, b and c the lengths of PA, PB and PC, respectively. Prove that there is a triangle whose sides have a length of a\sqrt2 , b and c

2009 Chile L2 P2
Consider P a regular 9-sided convex polygon with each side of length 1. A diagonal at P is any line joining two non-adjacent vertices of P. Calculate the difference between the lengths of the largest and smallest diagonal of P.

2010 Chile L2 P3
The sides BC, CA, and AB of a triangle ABC are tangent to a circle at points X, Y, Z respectively. Show that the center of such a circle is on the line that passes through the midpoints of BC and AX.

2010 Chile L2 P5
Consider a line \ell in the plane and let B_1, B_2, B_3 be different points in \ell. Let A be a point that is not in \ell. Show that there is P, Q in {B_1, B_2, B_3} with P \ne Q so that the distance from A to \ell is greater than the distance from P to the line that passes through A and Q .

2011 Chile L2 P2
Let O be the center of the circle circumscribed to triangle ABC and let S_ {A} , S_ {B} , S_ {C} be the circles centered on O that are tangent to the sides BC, CA, AB respectively. Show that the sum of the angle between the two tangents S_ {A} from A plus the angle between the two tangents S_ {B} from B plus the angle between the two tangents S_ {C} from C is 180 degrees. 

2012 Chile L2 P4
Consider an isosceles triangle ABC, where AB = AC. D is a point on the AC side and P a point on the  segment BD so that the angle \angle APC = 90^o and \angle ABP = \angle BCP . Determine the ratio AD: DC.

A conical surface C is cut by a plane T as shown in the figure on the back of this sheet. Show that C \cap T is an ellipse. You can use as an aid the fact that if you consider the two spheres tangent to C and T as shown in the figure, they intersect T in the bulbs.
2014 Chile L2 P2
Consider an ABCD parallelogram of area 1. Let E be the center of gravity of the triangle ABC, F the center of gravity of the triangle BCD, G the center of gravity of the triangle CDA and H the center of gravity of the triangle DAB. Calculate the area of quadrilateral EFGH.

2015 Chile L1 P1, L2 P1
On the plane, there is drawn a parallelogram P and a point X outside of P. Using only an ungraded rule, determine the point W that is symmetric to X with respect to the center O of P.

2015 Chile L1 P5, L2 P5
A quadrilateral ABCD is inscribed in a circle. Suppose that |DA| =|BC|= 2 and |AB|  = 4. Let E be the point of intersection of lines BC and DA. Suppose that \angle AEB = 60^o and that |CD| <|AB|. Calculate the radius of the circle.

2016 Chile L1 P2, L2 P2
For an equilateral triangle \triangle ABC, determine whether or not there is a point P inside \triangle ABC so that any straight line that passes through P divides the triangle \triangle ABC in two polygonal lines of equal length.

2016 Chile L2 P6
Let P_1 and P_2 be two non-parallel planes in space, and A a point that does not It is in none of them. For each point X, let X_1 denote its reflection with respect to P_1, and X_2 its reflection with respect to P_2. Determine the locus of points X for the which X_1, X_2 and A are collinear.

2017 missing

Consider ABCD a square of side 1. Points P, Q, R,S are chosen in the sides AB, BC, CD. DA respectively in such a way that |AP| = |BQ| = |CR| =|DS| = a, with a <1. Segments AQ, BR, CS and DP are plotted. Calculate the area of the other quadrilateral ,  that is formed in the center of the figure.

2018 Chile L2 P6
Consider an acute triangle ABC and its altitudes from A and B that intersect the respective sides in D and E. Call H  the point of intersection of the altitudes . A circle is constructed with center in H and radius HE. Let C be a line tangent to the circle at point P. With center at B and radio BE another circle is plotted,  and from C another line is drawn tangent to the this circle at point Q. Show that points D, P, and Q are collinear.

In the convex quadrilateral ABCD , \angle ADC = \angle BCD > 90^o . Let E be the intersection of the line AC with the line parallel to AD that passes through B. Let F be the intersection of line BD with the line parallel to BC passing through A. Prove that EF is parallel to CD.

Given the isosceles triangle ABC with | AB | = | AC | = 10 and | BC | = 15. Let points P in BC and Q in AC chosen such that | AQ | = | QP | = | P C |. Calculate the ratio of areas of the triangles  (PQA): (ABC).

Level 1  (nivel menor)

1999 Chile Level 1 P2
Given a pararellelogram ABCD , let E, F be the midpoints of the sides BC and CD, respectively. Prove that AE and AF trisect to BD.

1999 Chile Level 1 P5 
For the rectangles in the figure we know that a:b=1:3 . Find the value of the ratio of the areas of the triangles \triangle BEC , \triangle DCF

In the figure, AD and CB are two chords of a circle, which intersect at E, and FG is the bisector of \angle AED. Show that AF \cdot BG = CG \cdot FD.
2000 Chile Level 1 P5
A point P interior to a \vartriangle ABC satisfies: \angle PBA = \angle PCA = \dfrac {1} {3} (\angle ABC + \angle ACB) . Prove that \dfrac {AC + PB} {AB} = \dfrac {AB + PC} {AC}

2001 Chile Level 1 P5
The segment  AB measures 9 cm. and the point C lies on it, such that \dfrac {AC} {CB} = 2 . The point D is such that  \angle ACD = 60^o and \angle ABD = 45^o. Determine the measures of the angles of the triangles \vartriangle ACD, \vartriangle CBD and \vartriangle ABD .

If in the \vartriangle ABC , two sides are not greater than their corresponding altitudes, how much do the angles of the triangle measure?

Given a right triangle T, where the coordinates of its vertices are integers, let E be the number of points of integer coordinates that belong to the edge of the triangle T, I the number of points of integer coordinates that belong to the interior of the triangle T. Show that the area A(T) of triangle T is given by: A(T) = \frac{E}{2}+I -1.

Given the segment AB , let M be one point lying on it. Towards the same side of the plane and with base AM and MB , the squares AMCD and MBEF are constructed. Let P and Q be the respective centers of these squares. Determine how the midpoint of the segment PQ moves as the point M moves along the segment.

2003 Chile Level 1 P4
Investigate if there exists a tetrahedron ABCD such that all its faces are different isosceles triangles.

2004 missing

2005 Chile Level 1 P3
Within a square, 2 different points are chosen. Then, 8 line segments are drawn connecting each of these points with the vertices of the square. Is it possible to divide this square into 9 parts with equal area?

2006 Chile Level 1 P2
The vertex E of a square EFGH of side 2006 mm is found in the center of the square ABCD of side 10 mm. The line EF intersects CD at point I . The line EH intercepts AD in J . Also \angle EID = 60^o. Calculate the area  of the quadrilateral EIDJ .

AB = 3, AC = 8, A_1 midpoint of AC, BA_1 \parallel B_1A_2  \parallel B_2A_3, ... AB\perp AC, A_1B_1\perp AC, A_2B_2\perp AC, A_3B_3\perp AC ...
Find 2^9 (BA_1 + B_1A_2 + B_2A_3 + ... + B_8A_9)

2006 Chile Level 1 P5
Let \vartriangle ABC be any triangle and \vartriangle MNP the triangle formed by the tangent points of the inscribed circle with the sides of the triangle \vartriangle ABC , show that if \vartriangle MNP is equilateral, then the \vartriangle ABC is equilateral.

2007 Chile Level 1 P2
From a triangle T = \triangle ABC, we build the triangle T_1 = \triangle A_1B_1C_1 whose vertices they are the midpoints of the sides of T. The triangle T_2 = \triangle A_2B_2C_2 is constructed from T_1 in a way analogue. We build the triangles T_3, T_4,..., T_{2007}. Prove that the center of gravity G of the triangle T is inside the triangle T_{2007}.

2008 Chile Level 1 P2
In a circle of radius 1 a diameter PQ is drawn and an equilateral triangle with base AB parallel to PQ is inscribed. The segment PQ cuts to the side BC at the point R. Is the length PR smaller, equal, or greater than the length of a quarter of the circumference?

2009 Chile Level 1 P1
Consider a triangle whose sides measure 1, r, and r^2.
Determine all the values of r in such a way that the triangle is right.  

2009 Chile Level 1 P2
Consider three points inside a square on side 1.
Show that the area of the triangle they form is less than or equal to \frac{1}{2}.

2009 Chile Level 1 P4
On the base AC of a triangle angle isosceles ABC, a point is taken M, so that | AM | = p and | MC | = q. The inscribed circles are drawn to the AMB and CMB triangles, which are tangent to the BM side at points R and S respectively. Find the distance between R and S.

2010 Chile Level 1 P3
Let ABCD be a square and M be its center. Consider the point E on line AC such that | MC | = | CE |. Let S be the circle circumscribed to triangle \triangle EDB. Show that S passes through the midpoint of AM.

2010 Chile Level 1 P6
Consider a line L in the plane and let B_1, B_2, B_3 be points different in L. Let A be  a point that does not lie in L. Show that there are P, Q in \{B_1, B_2, B_3\} with P \ne Q such that the distance from A to L to be greater than the distance from P to the line that passes through A and Q.

2011 Chile Level 1 P2
Inside a cube of side 1, two spheres are introduced that are tangent externally to each other and such that each is tangent to three faces of the cube. Determine the greater distance to which the centers of the spheres can be found.

2013 Chile Level 1 P5
Four points A, B, C, D move in space so that always is satisfied (AB) = (AC) =(DB) =(DC) = 1,
- What is the greatest value that the sum (AD)+(BC) can become?
- Under what conditions is this sum maximized?

2014 Chile Level 1 P2
The points P,Q,R are the midpoints of the sides BC,CD and DA of a rectangle ABCD respectively and M is the midpoint of the segment QR. The area of the rectangle is 320. Calculate the area of the triangle APM .

2015 Chile Level 1 P1
On the plane, there is drawn a parallelogram P and a point X outside of P. Using only an ungraded rule, determine the point W that is symmetric to X with respect to the center O of P.

Consider a triangle \triangle ABC and a point D in segment BC. The triangles \triangle ABD and \triangle ADC are similar in ratio  \frac{1}{\sqrt3}. Determine the angles of the triangle \triangle ABC.

2015 Chile Level 1 P5, Level 2 P5
A quadrilateral ABCD is inscribed in a circle. Suppose that |DA| =|BC|= 2 and |AB|  = 4. Let E be the point of intersection of lines BC and DA. Suppose that \angle AEB = 60^o and that |CD| <|AB|. Calculate the radius of the circle.

2016 Chile Level 1 P2, Level 2 P2
For an equilateral triangle \triangle ABC, determine whether or not there is a point P inside \triangle ABC so that any straight line that passes through P divides the triangle \triangle ABC in two polygonal lines of equal length.

2016 Chile Level 1 P5
Let \vartriangle ABC be an isosceles triangle with AC = BC. Let O be the center of the circle circumscribed to the triangle and I the center of the inscribed circle. If D is the point on side BC such that OD is perpendicular to BI. Show that ID is parallel to AC.

2016 Chile Level 1 P5
Let \triangle ABC be a triangle isosceles with AC = BC. Let O be the center of circumcircle circumscribed to the triangle and I the center of the inscribed circle. If D is the point on the side BC such that OD is perpendicular to BI. Show that ID is parallel to AC.

2017 missing

2018 Chile Level 1 P1
In the drawing, the five circles are tangent to each other and tangents to the lines L_1 and L_2 as shown in the following figure. The smallest of the circles has radius 8 and the largest has radius 18. Calculate the radius of the circle C.

2018 Chile Level 1 P6
Consider two lines L_1, L_2 that are cut at point O and M is the bisector of the angle they form, as shown in the following figure. Points A and B are drawn in M in such a way that OA = 8 and OB = 15 and the angle \angle L_1OL_2 measures 45^o . Calculate the shortest possible path length from A to B by touching lines L_1 and L_2.

Consider a rectangle ABCD with | AB | > | BC | and let E be the midpoint of CD side. F is chosen in CD such that | CF | = | BC |. Suppose AC \perp BE. Prove that | AB | = | BF |

In a triangle ABC, the medians AM and BN are drawn, Draw through N a parallel to BC and through  C a parallel to BN. These two lines intersect at P and let D be the midpoint of PN. Show that CD is parallel to MN.


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